widesreen dilemma

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I've recently begun making my own VCD's from downloaded movies, and (thanks to this resource) the quality is pretty good. The only problem is that I use Nero and can't seem to format the VCD to be widesreen when I play them using a DVD player on my tv. The stretch is causing them to appear big and blurry. What can I do? Thanks so much.

-- jennifer (jchuback@hotmail.com), December 26, 2001


I've never done this, so I don't know if this will help, but if you go to www.geocities.com/wunder01au/widescreen.html, there is a page that talks about making widescreen SVCD. You might find some of the info helpful. If you are converting from DivX to MPEG-1, you might be able to fix this problem with some settings in TMPGenc, if you are using it. www.vcdhelp.com has some guides to using TMPGenc.

-- Jason (Jason.Shumate@equant.com), December 27, 2001.

The saying goes Garbage in = Garbage out is always something to remember when you are doing this kind of of conversion.

Most movies you download are gear for internet transmission efficiency and are meant to be viewed on your computer at best. The quality are ranging from excellent(you may be able to do decent SVCD or great VCD with this one) to simply BAD(forget it..time is better spend doing something else) depending on how they were made. A 2xCDs divx > a 1xCD divx > a 1/2CD divx :) Perchance you are using newsgroup divx, then definitely you are wasting your encoding time at best to convert these over to VCD. If you do newsgroup, then look for VCD or SVCD instead of divx.

If you must converting these over to VCD, then use TMPGenc as your VCD encoder and some sort of frameserver to fix up the divx before you encode it. Still the idea of Garbage in = Garbage out is lurking in the back of my mind when i am typing this.

-- (wingstarzz@hotmail.com), December 27, 2001.

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