""""Now is thu time,""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread

Now is thu time, 4445, thata all you get, this, is addres, 2, (Selverster Stalone, the edge ove time, give me, A, thin dime your, time has, come, """""""""""""""Klit, Klit, 4445, my name is Ripley 36706=Danile 2:44, where, is, (Mister Crenthos, Prenthros) this is is, why, (decisive, 70 C.E 600,000 corpses, 97,000 captive, 66-70C.E shadow 2, come, first century, great tribulation, deluge forshadow, lets look at thu foot note, Now: "sing me, A, sing sing song, go 2, thu, gran canyon, and, play me, A, """"""""""""""""""""""Foot note,""""""""""""""""""""""""" this is why, the foot note is, this, thye drew first blood, this is why, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2Peter 2,5,6,7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is, not thu foot, note, but this, did, happen, where is Mister, Crenthros? Mister Crenthros, you need, 2, read this, and understand, this, """""""""""""Sodom Gomorrah,""""""""""""""""""""""" How: 'Are you, doing, Selvester Stalone? do, "Eye' make my slef clear, "I' Am, not, Crenthos, he, did, live at one time, about, """""""""""""""""""""""""""1888,"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" did he not do, theses, bad thigns, (Jack Thu Ripper, was, A, Ripper, wasl Jack Thu Ripper, thu Ripper) lets, ask, Mister, Crenthos? this is, why, (Luke 17:28,30, where, is, Lot, Mister, Crenthos? son, ove, man is 2, be, """""""""""""""""""""""""""""revealed,"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" who R, theses people, talking about getting, in line, why this, Mister, Crenthos, we all uderstand this,a nd what it was, all about, """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""CDQ,""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" are shall we, let, Jehovah God,a nd his, son Jesus Christ bring back, (Jack Thu Ripper, time period, 1888.) Theirs, that man, 4445, theirs that man, 4445, theirs that man, 4445, theirs that man, 4445, theirs that man, 4445, theirs that man, 4445, theirs that man, 4445, theirs that man, 4445, theirs that man, 4445, theirs that man, 4445, theirs that man, 4445, theirs that, man, 4445, theirs that, man, 4445, theirs that, man, 4445, theirs that, man, 4445, theirs that, man, 4445, theirs that, man, 4445, theirs that, man, 4445, have, A, !!happy A, happy, life.!!! Charlie.X 20002 DRIFTDEADLOCK 30 12-26-20001

-- Charlie.X (Kevalcookrocker@hotmail.com), December 26, 2001



-- David Williams (davesworld55@hotmail.com), November 25, 2002.

YEAH quit huffing paint dude! That made zero sense. put the bag down and put yourself in rehab, I'm sure your family and friends have grown tired of your slurring babble. Do it for yourself, or the very next huff could be your LAST! Good luck!

-- Kim (Kimnbrad12@yahoo.com), August 01, 2003.

Well I dont have a answer just a question.What are the first signs that a person is huffing .I heard of huffing but never known of any ne that has done it until I think.My boyfriend and I have been together for several years ,and he told me when he was a teenager he huffed ,but now he talks down on drugs of all kinds.I have been noticing lately that he has been using a lot of black and gold spray paint.I just dont no th esigns or the reactions that people have when they huff.Noticed red and chapped around his mouth and lips..explain to me please what the signs are..Thank u Deb C.

-- debra cook (montana19961968@yahoo.com), October 05, 2003.

okay i knew a guy who always huffed it. gold spray paint is the best. look for gold paint stuck on his fingernails or see if his breath smells like paint.

-- Brandon Savage (savage_beast_04@hotmail.com), August 30, 2004.

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