Anime vcds in malaysia : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Does anyone know where i can find anime vcds in malaysia that are in english or have english subtitles?? im interested in sites that sell directly to malaysia as well as real shops. thanks!

-- Josephine (, December 25, 2001


if i was u ....u will check out salem planet at 1 utama top floor near the cinema they have quite a lot of variety,i think most video shop have execpt speedy video dont think of taking a look there unless u want to buy kiddy anime.if u do have astro do watch axn

-- redeye84 (, December 28, 2001.

many video shops have the stuff i'm looking for (namely gundam wing and rurouni kenshin) but they r mostly chinese-dubbed... speedy only has bm-dubbed..

-- Josephine (, December 30, 2001.

Hey i got Gundam 0083 Stardust Memory episodes. Not the movie, but just 7 5 coming soon. Anyone like to buy it?

-- Nizam (, February 21, 2002.

try COMIC WORLD BOOK CENTRE S & M SHOPPING ARCADE Lot LG-10A, Lower Ground Floor, 110-115, Jalan Cheng Lock, 50000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

-- ahchiew (, October 30, 2002.

yes... i know this one shop in Mines which got one... but usually wat i do is i check at the back of the cover... usually they will write out there wether got sub title or not...

good luck...

-- anuar rauna (, July 26, 2003.

I used to go to one in Sungai Wang. Level 2, I think, near the entertainment wing (ta kei area). Or try out Rock Corner in One Utama. Fairly good selection.....

-- lms (, August 19, 2003.

You can also try Midvalley megamall. top floor. the shop is located near the exhibition hall and opposite Petworld. i've also bought some of my anime from tower records on the first floor. with english and/or chinese subtitles. happy with it so far.

-- jd (, October 03, 2003.

Or check out Anime-Dojo at subang jaya. for address. One of the cheapest prices so far.

-- Kin Mun (, January 03, 2004.

there's one in UE3, in ampang point, sungei wang, S&M (beside kota raya), Anime tech in mid valley, sunway and Times Square..tower records...

hey, where's rock corner in I Utama? i couldn't find it... i heard they have a lot rare titles there..

-- Nixie (, March 14, 2004.

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