problem of the week : LUSENET : MATH Plus One : One Thread

When the Quik-Wits were all out of the flying machine, Klever Kid wanted to eat. Bright Eyes agreed;they all had a picnic.

After the ate, the Quik-Wits were restless. Since the Quik-Wits like to use their brians,Ms.Astute challenged them to think of as many ways as they couldto have fun using any of the things around them. Use anything around you see in the picture and your imagination to name as many ways as you can for the Quik-Wits to have fun.Add to your list all week.

(2 long pieces of wood,8 rocks,1 long rope and long table)

-- Anonymous, December 25, 2001


I used to love using my brian, but then I heard the bastard went off and got a nasty rash (you know, down there), so I dropped him like a bad habit.

-- Anonymous, December 27, 2001

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