Merry X-mas, everyone!!!! : LUSENET : Legend of Zelda : One Thread


-- Davey Rootbeer (, December 25, 2001


no its merry F*cken christmas - Mr.Garison

-- Rensokuken of hell (, December 27, 2001.

lol, dude. And a happy new year.

-- Davey Rootbeer (, December 27, 2001.

ya fuck u all.... merry motherfuckin shit to u all.

-- Vincent V. (, December 29, 2001.

Yes......well, then......aaalllllllllllllllllllllllrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh ty then!

-- Davey Rootbeer (, December 29, 2001.

chiil, man.

-- dorf (, January 15, 2002.

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