Brilliant Gift Ideas : LUSENET : MATH Plus One : One Thread

So, I think it is clear that Robyn is the font of all Brilliant Gift Giving - but now that we are down to crunch time, what kind of brilliant stuff have you come up with? Anything you are particularly proud of this year? Any gifts that you find yourself giving over and over again to different people because they are just so brilliant?

For me, it is Time Capsule Kits - I give them as wedding presents. They come with instructions, and save a lot of little stuff people don't normally think about on their wedding day, but might get a laugh over on their 20th anniversary - stuff like the the newspaper from a couple's wedding day, poloroids, a few writing prompts - very cute stuff.

What brilliant and fabulous gift giving solutions have you discovered over the years?

-- Anonymous, December 20, 2001


This year, I gave my aunt and her family a joint gift: a big asparagus casserole that they can eat at their family Christmas dinner. See, my Aunt Merle makes this amazing asparagus casserole - it's asparagus, bechamel, cheddar, and hard-boiled eggs - and everyone in my family loves it, and it is a tradition for Aunt Merle to make this dish for all our family gatherings.

Well, dear Aunt Merle is kind of senile now, and I ended up being the only one who thought to get the recipe while she was still lucid (rather than paranoid, as she currently is). So this year, I made casseroles, and everyone in my family was thrilled (the casseroles freeze beautifully, see).

-- Anonymous, December 20, 2001

Kristin, all my love goes to you. Just you. I'm a font of love, too.

One gift that I didn't mention but that has really gotten good feedback is the book 'Legacy', by Linda Spence. I'll include a link, but I don't know how to make it all pretty.

I'm jetting down to the Woolrich store today to try to score 2 more fleece throws. For whatever reason, Woolrich fleece throw blankets are the coziest and (after washing) least pilly of them all.

-- Anonymous, December 20, 2001

I give my aunt broadway musical soundtracks every xmas. makes it easy :) last year - les mis. this year - Rent.

everyone else just gives me lists or I take a nice educated guess. I got my grandma a niiice mug from her favourite daytime soap with a donut recipe within. I bet she'll looove it. didn't cost too much either.

-- Anonymous, December 20, 2001

Would it be wrong of me to buy things for myself from Robyn's suggestion list? Because I'm interested in that book, bigtime.

-- Anonymous, December 20, 2001

Julie! Me, too! Can I say, I would love someone to give me a casserole for Christmas. Love it.

-- Anonymous, December 20, 2001

I can't believe neither Linda nor Alexandra have hired me as their marketing and promotions managment consultant. Or at least invited me for coffee and scones.

Buy both books. When I'm stressed, I read a couple of pages of 'Living' or 'Living Beautifully Together' and soon feel in control and ready to redecorate.

-- Anonymous, December 20, 2001

For people you need to get a gift for but only sorta kinda know: Fabric placemats, napkins, and napkin rings. Go with navy or beige, and you'll be dandy. It's not brilliant, but it's better than a Dr.Phil book.

-- Anonymous, December 21, 2001

Kristen, I can't tell you how excited I am about Ray Overton's new cookbook, Freezes Beautifully. Casseroles for everyone! O adore casseroles, and I do think that they make great gifts.

-- Anonymous, December 21, 2001

As a really last minute gift idea, what about setting up monthly flowers. I've done this before...especially with Grandma types you have no idea on. Fresh flowers delivered by a local florist every month at the same time for 6 months. There's nothing that will cheer someone more than receiving a fresh arrangement in the dead of February or March.

-- Anonymous, December 21, 2001

Oh, y'all.

My eBay contact said he mailed SmokerBro's present on the 17th by express mail.

AND IT'S NOT HERE YET. And we're exchanging gifts IN TWENTY MINUTES.

-- Anonymous, December 24, 2001

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