Exile at communityzero.com boards

greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

For those who are still lost among the threads of conversation about the "other" community boards we have for Exile, here's the scoop.

1. They used to be run by a company called "Vicinity."

2. Same company renamed itself last year as "Community Zero." (Not a good name, but they didn't ask me. :-) )

3. URL to get to our community boards there is: http://www.communityzero.com/exile-test

4. YOu have to "join" Community Zero first (you don't have to give them accurate info, remember, if you're feeling paranoid, but do give them a valid email account or you can't access your password and stuff if you lose it), then ...

5. Access our community (URL above) by using the password "buddha" at the front door of it (all lowercase, no quote marks!).

Anything that's truly critical I'll always try to cross-post to these boards. I'm not abandoning them by any means! There are lots of good things these boards can do, and when Community Zero is down for the count, these boards are almost always running perfectly.

Check these boards if Community Zero appears to not be working. I'll try to post here ASAP if that happens.

-- editrix (editrix@windhaven.com), December 18, 2001

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