4x5 Nikor developing tank

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Film & Processing : One Thread

I just bought a 4x5 nikor tank and want to know others experiences with it. I remember some old threads that were mostly negative as I remember but don't remember specifics. You might wonder why I would buy this tank if I remember mostly negative - It was very cheap.

-- Bob Finley (Rfinbo@aol.com), December 18, 2001


1) It's really tricky to load 2) It takes 45 seconds to pour the developer into it, and nearly that long to empty it. I thought it was going to make LF easy, particularly the use of Pyro. WRONG!

-- Wilhelm (bmitch@home.com), December 18, 2001.


I used one for a while and had problems. I could fill or dump in about 20 seconds so that was no problem, but I oftentimes got streaks that appeared to occur because of uneven coverage during the fill. I had a problem with excess density along the edge of the film toward the center of the reel. The film would get squeezed against the central sprirals by the retaining band causing a longitudinal streak of extra density where the film emulsion contacted the spiral. I quit using it and switched back to my old, early-model Jobo that uses twice as much chemistry but doesn't damage the negs. Let us know if you manage to figure out how to use it successfully.

-- Ken Burns (kenburns@twave.net), December 18, 2001.

I use HAMA tank which can house 2x120 rols at a time and 4 plastic tubes which can take my 4 Nos. of 4x5. then i use 1000ml of developer and similar amount of stop bath and fixer.to develop my negs. if this may help. Regards to all

-- Sajjad (afaq_2001@yahoo.com), December 19, 2001.

Doesn't sound promising but I was thinking about filling every other slot ( 6 ) and doing a darkroom pour with lid off. I was concerned about the center spirals as to whether or not they would be a problem. Oh well, I will process some test shots that I wanted to do with a couple of old angulons and let you know. That is unless it is a total fiasco, in which case I will probably just fade away.

-- Bob Finley (Rfinbob@aol.com), December 19, 2001.

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