Problems with Dazzle Snazzi* DVC : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hi! I am in China and bought this external USB Snazzi DVC. I have read most of the post here and I should say, they are all helpful. However, even though my problem resembles most of the questions answered here, I just would like to share with you mine.

First, when I bought the package, there weren't any cables inside but that is bearable since I have cables of my own.

Second, I can't find the Product ID for FlipAlbum 3.1 OEM Version and also the WinOnCd 3.7 serial number in the package. Should I ask the store about this? Where can I find it? Is there a certificate or a piece of paper inside the box where you can find the product ID's & serial numbers?

Third, after following all the troubleshooting methods, still my PC won't detect the DVC "most of the time"...

Fourth, when my PC detects the DVC, it wouldn't detect any video signals "most of the time", even though my camcorder has been outputting video already.

Fifth, when I am lucky, it would detect both the DVC and the video input, but I will just see a blank screen during preview "really of the time".

Lastly, it's just 2 days old and yet I am planning to go back to the shop and replace it with a new one (maybe another brand or maybe would settle for a Chinese brand which I heard works really well), but I guess I will have to "argue" and prove that it won't work in my system before I get my Xmas wish done, since I can't speak Chinese at all.

These are all my problems. Some of them are would be my own problem, I know, but I hope you can help me with the other ones. Thanks a lot and hope you all have a Merry Christmas!

Sarita C.

-- Sarita C. (, December 18, 2001


About the only thing I can say is avoid if you can any USB video capture device if you seriously want to create VCDs. I take it U have a soundcard; the next best thing to do is upgrade your VGA card to something with video-in, like MSI 8833 (which sports a GeForce 2 MX400 chip). Prices range all over the place, and although the GeForce 2 and 3 chipsets both can capture video some cards have this feature disabled so check it out. I mean, the card I mentioned is about US$80. Not only would you be upgrading your VGA you also get hi- res video capture at 30fps max: how's that compared with some wretched $150 USB video capture device?? Indeed if you hogged earlier entries in this forum (there are thousands by now so can't blame U if U didn't) you will steer clear of anything that smacks of Dazzle Snazzi DVC.

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, December 19, 2001.

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