I'm Yousing Studio DV - Pinnacle. It produce just VCD in mpeg1.How can i make Super VCD in mpeg2 with this system?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Thank You.
-- Andres Nestor (andres7@netvision.net.il), December 17, 2001
Your best bet would be converting the files to .avi files and then compressing it to SVCD format using TMPGenc which is a free software and the best one available for download on the net. Studio DV makes the worst quality mpegs so you should always capture them in avi format. Hope this helps--Malnadman
-- malnadman (malnadman@houston.rr.com), December 29, 2001.
Studio DV software upgrade ver 1.10, can do SVCD. Just get it free from www.pinnaclesys.com
-- ktnwin (ktnwin@excite.com), March 06, 2002.