How i can convert an mpeg1 file to mpeg2 file - for creating a Svcd : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I have Pinnacle Studio DV. Thank you.

-- andres nestor (, December 14, 2001


You really don't want to do this. The final video will be awful. However if you insist on doing this, TMPGenc ( can help you to do this. Converting your video to MPEG-2 for SVCD will NOT improve the quality if your source is MPEG-1. If you had AVI source you could convert directly to MPEG-2, it should be of better quality than if you converted it to MPEG-1 for VCD, but converting MPEG-1 to MPEG-2 will only amplify the defects inherent in the MPEG-1 encoding process.

-- Jason (, December 17, 2001.

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