WTB: M6 T.Abrahamsson Rapidwinder

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I am looking for a Rapidwinder for my M6 in black, chrome or brass etc. .... in working condition ....cosmetic's are not important... I have one for my M2 but the M6 is getting more use now that I know what how to meter with it

Please let me know if you have one to sell or maybe trade for the M2 version

-- Craig Egerer (camwatch@chartermi.net), December 13, 2001



I have a rapid winder that I bought from Tom 2 years ago. I put it on my M6 for about two weeks and shot about 10 rolls of film with it. It is in prestine condition. I have never really thought of selling it but to be honest, I just never really got comfortable with the feel of it. I know some people swear by it and others hate it. I have no idea of what it is worth but if you are interested in discussing please email me at FOTOOPP@AOL.COM


-- JT (FOTOOPP@AOL.COM), December 19, 2001.

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