I'm back!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Country Families : One Thread

I haven't been posting as much as I have wanted to lately. I have been ill, had a sick child, christmas play, shut in baskets, Womens dinners at the church, finishing up last minute christmas, taking my mother(the queen of credit and shopping!!) shopping for christmas and just everyday things. It can get overwhelming. I have decided that I am from now on I have to learn to say no and take things in stride. The doctor said I was wearing myself out and need to take it easy.(easy for him to say!)any way, I am taking care of me, even if the house is not quite as clean as I like it and I am taking time to relax and do what I like. Besides crafts I love posting and reading here!!!! So , I am back !!! Girl Scout promise, I will never neglect this sight again.!!God Bless!!

-- Micheale from SE Kansas (mbfrye@totelcsi.net), December 13, 2001


good Micheale, I miss everyone when they don't post! Isn't it easy to say yes to everyone else and no to yourself. And the dishes will still be there. No magic fairy will come along, as I tell my kids!!!

-- Melissa (me@home.net), December 13, 2001.

How in the world do you accomplish all that and work a full-time job, too! Wow, you must be Superwoman. I can see doing one or the other, but both! WOW! My hat's off to you. BTW, how does one pronounce your name?

-- Ben Theron (Beenthere@msn.com), December 13, 2001.

It is spelled Micheale but pronounced Michelle. My mother said she didn't know how to spell it so she asked the man sweeping the floor!

-- Micheale from SE Kansas (mbfrye@totelcsi.net), December 13, 2001.

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