The difference between 2cam 3cam and ROM Leica lens : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I'm new to Leica. Somebody is offer me a Leica 24mm for Leica R. How could I know whether it's 2cam, 3cam or ROM ? What is the difference and which camera fits each type ? Thank you

-- Erick S. Mulyadi (, December 12, 2001


The 24mm Elmarit-R will fit Leica reflex cameras from the SL2 on depending on cam and mount configuration. This lens has been made with 2-cams 3-cams and ROM meter couplings. ROM lenses are easy to identify: there is a set of electrical contacts inside the lens mount at the back of the lens. ROM lenses can't be used on the Leicaflex SL2. The distinction between 2-cam and 3-cam lenses isn't so obvious but if you know what to look for, it's not a problem. Looking at the lens from the rear, the first 2 cams used by Leicaflex cameras are roughly at the 12 o'clock and 6 o'clock positions. These are shiny, slopey things that follow the circumfurance of the rear lens element. The 3rd cam is a stepped metal tab adjacent to the 6 o'clock cam, between the sloped cam and the rear lens element, which moves with the sloped cam when you change apertures.

-- Douglas Herr (, December 12, 2001.

To add to what Doug said, don't worry if the shiny 1 & 2 cams aren't present. Some of those lenses had only the third cam, making thenm compatible only with R cameras, i.e. not suitable for Leicaflex. ROM lenses can be used with any Leica R camera but the ROM is utilized only in the R8. However, you don't really need ROM for R8 unless you want to make the most of auto-zoom flashguns.

-- Ray Moth (, December 12, 2001.

Thank you Douglas and Ray, for the explanation Does ROM really needed only for zuto zoom flash gun ? Or program auto exposure as well on the R8 ? Do you know the average price of this lens ?

-- Erick S. (, December 13, 2001.

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