Spot Weding Aluminum - what Amp. do I need. : LUSENET : Resistance Welding : One Thread

We have to weld an alum. bracket to an alum. band. The matl. of both parts is 2024-T4 Alclad. The bracket is.063 thk. and measures about 2" lg. X 3/4" wide. The band is .040 thk. and also 3/4" wide. We're supposed to hit it in two places with a 1/8 to 3/16" S/W. What's the minimum equipment that I could use? Will the Alclad matl. be a problem? Thanks for your help. Steve Shankin

-- STEPHEN SHANKIN (, December 11, 2001


steven, If you will give me a fax number, i will send you a weld schedule for aluminum. Always use the schedule for the thiness of the two pieces. From the weld schedule, you will see what pressure and current to use and then you will know what size machine you need or you can tell a vendor what your requirements are. Alclad will not be a problem unless you are going for a class one mil, spec. If you need mil. spec quality,let me know.

-- tom mitchell (, December 13, 2001.

Stephen - The welding you are doing is a common application for resistance welding. Aluminum has to treated in a unique way as far as the surface preparation of the materials prior to the welding process, but the components you have described are very weldable. The Alcad is a pure aluminum coating on the material as a corrosion inhibiter and will not effect the weld. Your welder should produce about 40,000amps and a minimum of 900 lbs. of electrode tip force. This can be welded on a single phase or three phase PRESS type welder. Please contact me if you eed further assistance with this application. Have a Joyous Holiday Season! Ray Michelena

-- Ray Michelena (, December 17, 2001.

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