Bud-Wiser!!Buff at your service

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Just read your plight with the dreaded gout, it always reminds me of those auld Dicken`s novels made into films, in the street scenes you always got one person zooming past on crutches , leg outstretched , foot swathed in rags, Well I have been a sufferer for the past 2 years until I am reasonably on top of it due to my own gout management system. I personally feel it is mainly due to a spin off from other pills I am on. In the early days the attack would come on overnight, now I can pre-empt it, if its severe my method will relieve all pain within 6 hours and you will be up and about. If you want details, email me and provided you contact your own doc/chem prior to use there should not be a problem, its the most painful illness and I know what you are going thro.

-- Anonymous, December 09, 2001


J.P sent u email at gallowgate addy

-- Anonymous, December 09, 2001

Buff, thanks mate; "thegallowgate" is defunct, our 'friend' in Tokyo didn't pay his subs!

Email on it's way to you at mobil.

-- Anonymous, December 09, 2001

Bud, resent to your duck and ring address

-- Anonymous, December 09, 2001

Good 'cos they don't like your email address:

Failure Reasons -------- User not listed in public Name & Address Book bill e callaghan@email.mobil.com

-- Anonymous, December 10, 2001

nothing arrived at singnet (from you) either mate :-(


-- Anonymous, December 10, 2001

We are in the middle of migration into Lotus notes 5 , come in next on wednesday and I will have flown, will try again,not keen on details on here, but if needs must I will accept slap on hand from Dr Bill

-- Anonymous, December 10, 2001

I could be out of biz next Wed , so here goes, the pill is a steroid called presenside (sp), 5mg. First severe attack I had and confirmed gout the doc bless her gave me 6 pills (30mg) and I was up and about within 5 hours. I now take 2 per day along with 300mg allipurinol pill which to my mind is useless. If I sense an attack coming on I up my ratio, but you got to wean yourself off on steady basis, ie 6 to 5 to 4 to 3 and I try to stick on 2, went for two weeks on 0 and the pain returned, so that`s my management, I am sure it affects me in other ways but it got to the point that anything is better, Get your euric acid checked out,see a doctor , you did ask and it works for me.

-- Anonymous, December 10, 2001

Thanks mate, I'll look into it.

Allopurinol x 300mg I was recommended by a 'dodgy' pharmacist in Malaysia (don't wanna pay an arm 'n a leg, ouch, in Singapore!), you reckon they are $h!te?

uric acid.

-- Anonymous, December 10, 2001

Dodgy Malaysian doctors??? Not here in Kuala Lumpur surely??? Actually they are very handy to know and like you said way cheaper than S'pore!

-- Anonymous, December 10, 2001

Sorry guys, just seen this thread and the one it checks back to.

Gout is one of the effects of having too much uric acid in the blood - the excess forms crystals here and there, the ones in the joints causing much pain and inflammation as unfortunately the two of you have found out. A steroid will reduce the inflammatory response and therefore the pain. Allopurinol reduces the level of uric acid in the blood: therefore it won't necessarily do much for an existing crystal-affected joint (hence Buff's comment I guess), but it should reduce the tendency to form any more, so worth while as a preventive measure.

-- Anonymous, December 10, 2001

...thanks Dr. Bill, 5 days late but not your fault, so much for the Geordie network I keep boasting about!

Are you (on the spot now!) a firm believer that prevention is better than cure - the cure has only (so far?) been required twice?

Can I pay you in Malaysian Ringitt or Indonesian Rupiah?


-- Anonymous, December 10, 2001

Hey, see my receptionist about the appointment system Bud!

Yes I'm a firm believer in prevention, and bore people regularly on the topic (wanna see some .ppt?). In short, bodies aren't cars, you can't just bolt in a new component and it'll be good as new; once damage is done even high-tech medicine and surgery is like using superglue on broken porcelain, it'll never be as good again. I've been known to use Big Al's uninsureable groins, ankle and knee as an example.

Payment can be in any negotiable currency except for the Strawberry Pint - I can still remember the last time you were buying mate!

-- Anonymous, December 11, 2001

Thank you Doctor, I guess I'm gonna have to take cognizance of your advice and look into some preventative measures. I've two months of extensive travel coming up, commencing today, another 5-6 day attack would be devaststing :-(

Correct me if I'm wrong, Zyloprim and Allopurinol are synonymous?

LOL, Concise Oxford Dictionary:

"synonymous adj. (often foll. by with) 1having the same meaning; being a synonym (of). 2(of a name, idea, etc.) suggestive of or associated with another (excessive drinking regarded as synonymous with violence)"


-- Anonymous, December 11, 2001

Bud, 2 days of anguish re sp of pain reliever,should be predislone.

-- Anonymous, December 12, 2001

Er, it's prednisolone I think (although one of its trade names used to be Predsol). Trade or proprietary names for drugs change faster than the seasons because of the way patents apply to drugs. If you take a small dose of steroids no problem, or a high dose for a short time no problem, but if you take more than a small dose for more than a few days please be careful about how you come off them: basically don't stop suddenly but cut down gradually. I only say this because it's quite likely that they will be available over the counter in many parts of the world probably including SE Asia.

Zyloprim is one of the trade names for allopurinol, you're right.

I'd have said that excesive drinking was more synonomous with excessive foolishness in my case, but then as alcohol is a nuerological disinhibitor, it just accentuates the inner person!

-- Anonymous, December 13, 2001

btw just as well there wasn't a typing test when I qualified, 'neurological' looks a little better. 'Course they hadn't invented keyboards back then...

-- Anonymous, December 13, 2001

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