B&W from color enlarger

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

Are you able to create black and white prints from a color enlarger?

-- Dave Kline (dkline8891@aol.com), December 05, 2001


Of course.

-- Doremus Scudder (ScudderLandreth@compuserve.com), December 05, 2001.

I assume that by "color enlarger" you mean an enlarger with a dichroic color head - with built in color filters that you dial in as needed.

Not only will this allow you to make B&W photos, it makes it easier with variable contrast papers since your color filters can be used to vary the contrast of the print. The magenta filter will increase contrast as you increase the amount of filtration while the yellow filter will decrease it. The blue filter does nothing - leave it alone.

As for how much filtration to use - you need to consult the tech sheets for each paper since they do vary. The instructions for the enlarger usually also give you some idea.

-- Ron Gratz (rkgratz@mtu.edu), December 05, 2001.

If you need the dial in colors making grade's 1-4, I have a PDF I can send you. Email me.

-- Scott Walton (scotlynn@shore.net), December 05, 2001.

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