double exposure with m6 : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

is it possible to get a double exposure with the m6 by switching the rewind thingy, as it works with most other manual cameras, or does it mess up the registration?

-- stefan randlkofer (, December 02, 2001


It does not mess up the registration but it does mess up the winding mechanism. LEICA STATE NOT TO DO IT. I tried it once and the horrible sound of gears trying to mesh and slipping convinced me never to try it again. It is possible to run a roll through twice with very good registration as it is easy to mark and place the sprocket holes in the same place when you reload. If you need a Leica that will allow double exposures then use any LTM camera or the M5.

-- John Collier (, December 02, 2001.

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