GLee again : LUSENET : SARO1's Inner Connections : One Thread

Author Comment GeorgiaLee Registered User posts: 2 (1/3/01 1:07:59 pm) Reply | Edit | Del All Please put me back on your list -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please put me back on your list for a scan when you are feeling better. Thank you so much. From, 58 year old Female..

SAR01 ezOP posts: 817 (1/6/01 2:18:19 pm) Reply | Edit | Del Re: Please put me back on your list -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Georgia, did you recieve the e-mail ...I re scanned..... let me know if you got it, and if it hit any better.

Thanks, Sue

GeorgiaLee Registered User posts: 3 (1/7/01 11:19:53 pm) Reply | Edit | Del Thanks for Seconds -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, I have received the "new" scan. I am pleased that many things you have told me are acurate and others have given me something to think about. Thanks for giving me a second go round.

SAR01 ezOP posts: 866 (1/8/01 12:09:47 am) Reply | Edit | Del Re: Thanks for Seconds -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Georgia, if you need more specifics, please e-mail me privately, ok? as once I do a scan, I can't always remember what may come through for each person. As you can se by reading the below post, sometimes I get "overwhelmed" with "feelings" and have to just take a step back!

Also, we are still re-decorating, this takes time. I hope to get that "new" thread up as soon as possible! (The one about the "other side"!

-- SAR01 (, November 30, 2001

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