GeorgiaLee : LUSENET : SARO1's Inner Connections : One Thread

Author Comment GeorgiaLee Registered User posts: 1 (1/2/01 2:43:28 pm) Reply | Edit | Del All Please scan me -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- female 58 years old Very interested in this process. Have been muscle tested but this is new to me. Thank you for your gift of energy for me.

SAR01 ezOP posts: 729 (1/2/01 3:30:03 pm) Reply | Edit | Del Re: Please scan me -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome GeorgiaLee,

I will say to you the same as AZGranny...I have a terrible Sore throat and cough, but I will see what I get.

First off, I get a very strong willed energy, you can do anything you set your mind too, but you tend to let other peoples needs come before you own....I am being told to tell you it is time for you to take a breath, and say..."this I do for ME" is not being selfish, but you have slways done for others.

I feel strong allergies, but they have more or less just kinda started for you. In other words I feel you were very active and healthy growing up. I'm feeling you are a mother, as I am getting such strong maternal feelings from you.

I don't know if this is you or someone close, but I feel like I am missing my right breast....again remember, I can get confused on sides. but I don't feel cancer anywhere now. I do feel like chronic fatiqued syndrome, or that fibromyalgia, mainly these flare up under stress.

I feel like a good constutution is in place now, and you have made changes in diet that will be helpful.

If this is way off, I'll do it when I am feeling better.

Pleas let me know.

And please stop by the cafe for a cuppa coffee or tea.

So glad you stopped by.

-- SAR01 (, November 30, 2001

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