AZ granny : LUSENET : SARO1's Inner Connections : One Thread

Author Comment AZ Grannytoo Registered User posts: 1 (1/1/01 6:53:45 pm) Reply | Edit | Del All Scan me please. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm a 60 year old female.

Also please scan DH. He's 62 years old. Thanks Saro.

SAR01 ezOP posts: 718 (1/1/01 7:46:53 pm) Reply | Edit | Del Re: Scan me please. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Granny, don't know if I can do this today, as I am sick myself, so if it makes no sense, tell me, then I do it again when I am not sick myself..ok

60 yo woman

I get a tooth or gum problem on the lower right side of mouth, like raw nerves. (I can be wrong on the side). I get fibromyalgia (sp) that hits more on the left side ...shoulder to neck, that can be very debilitaing when it hits, or you have alot of stress. Also get a pain like a "stroke on the right side of head. CAUTION....have you ever had a stroke? or has a lady (mom? passed over from a dtroke? I am getting this stroke very strong....I don't think it is you, more someone from the other side trying to give you conformation that they still exist. I get some congestion in vital organs area, like possible sugar, or gall bladder problems, (could have been in the past)

I get poor circulation and a tendency to have varicose veins.

I get a weaking in bladder area, not a problem, just weak bladder muscles, That's all I get for you...oh, some one says to NOT WORRY about CANCER! as if you are worried for either you or hubby as in runs in the "genes"..

62 yo man

I get strong allergies or difficuty in breathing....or very sensitive to allergens. Some minor health problems related to food allergens he doesn't even know he has. Strong, muscular system, and cardiac area....did he smoke, I get heaviness in bronchials, but like they are repairing them selves. (As in an ex-smoker) This is he missing a foot, or else does he get a numbing sensation in one foot alot? to me it's like a pinched nerve or nerve damage.

that's all I get for did I do.

Sorry, I'f I am totally off base, we'll do it when I am not sick!

AZ Grannytoo Registered User posts: 3 (1/1/01 8:32:28 pm) Reply | Edit | Del Re: Scan me please. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saro you are so close that it's scary for me.

#1. My stress level on a score of 1 to 10 is about 11 right now.

#2. I often have a pain on the right side of the head that is so strong I have to close my eyes. The doctors have done tests and find nothing.

#3. I've had three hiatal hernia surgeries and as a result have adhesions that cause problems.

#4. Very poor circulation and have varicose veins.

#5. I lost both my mother and father to cancer and it is my biggest fear.


#1. Always has trouble breathing at night.

#2. He is an ex-smoker who had constant bronchial problems.

#3. DH pulled a muscle in his right leg yesterday and has been suffering with it through the day.

If you do this well when you're not feeling well I want to try it again when you are.

Thanks so much.

SAR01 ezOP posts: 721 (1/1/01 8:56:59 pm) Reply | Edit | Del Re: Scan me please. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you so much for the confirmations, Granny.

I have to stress I am NOT a dr. nor have I had any medical training. How I do this is I "Put" your head on my shoulders and "feel" what you feel, then I try the best I can to discern the feelings.

I learned I could do this at a very early age, so I have to been careful, because I am so empathic, sometimes I have pains and symptoms but they are not MINE!!!!

I also pick up how some people are when they pass over to the other side. I think it was your mom coming thru to tell you not to worry about cancer.

But I do feel very strongly to tell you, that you have to find a specialist for thWhat I think I see is a petential problem with a blocked artery pain in your head.... this can be remedied, but you must first find a dr. that will find the problem. Also, Spirit can give me information, way before there is a real problem...this is to give the person time to "make changes" so as to divert the problems.

Hope this has helped you.

AZ Grannytoo Registered User posts: 4 (1/1/01 11:09:26 pm) Reply | Edit | Del Re: Scan me please. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you again Saro. I've been to two specialists and had a battery of tests with nothing showing up that would cause the headaches. I'll call the doctor this week to see about making an appointment with another specialist.

It probably was my mother. She was a wonderful lady.

-- SAR01 (, November 30, 2001

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