Child Scan : LUSENET : SARO1's Inner Connections : One Thread

Author Comment New Unregistered User (1/9/01 12:13:01 pm) Reply | Edit | Del All child scan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- male age 5

SAR01 ezOP posts: 916 (1/9/01 10:36:52 pm) Reply | Edit | Del Re: child scan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hmmmm this isn't an easy one. My head feels real big, and painful, either this child has spinal bifita or gets server head aches, OR he has recently had a head injury..

I get large muscles in his legs. I don't know why I would pick this up, unless it means he is build strong. I don't get alot on this child, I usually never had to do children.

New Unregistered User (1/10/01 5:46:01 am) Reply | Edit | Del darn -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recent ear infection may have been what you feel in the head? Come to think of it he did bump his head a couple of weeks ago. Will have to check to see if he is having headaches.

The rest, large muscles, build is not close. He is a slender child like his daddy.

Well, I am grateful no serious problems showed up

Thanks so very much for taking time and energy for this. It is truly fascinating!

Sue (too

SAR01 ezOP posts: 939 (1/10/01 2:06:22 pm) Reply | Edit | Del Re: darn -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I find I have difficulty with very elderly or very young....I think because I get emotional over the young and the old! Sorry.

-- SAR01 (, November 30, 2001

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