Lens Hoods out of filter rings

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

In an earlier post, I was complaining about the large size of the shade for the 35asph "lux. Some ideas were shared, and as a result of that post, I made some replacement lens shades for my 35asph 'Lux and muy 50 'Lux. I first used a 46-55 step-up ring, then added one empty 55 filter ring for the 35, and two empty 55 filter rings for the 50. I have used them now for a week and am very satisfied with how well they work. I added 55mm filters to the ends of each shade, and had no problems with vignetting on either lens. This 35 shade intrudes a bit less at the apex, and about the same at the edges as the stock shade does. The shade for the 50 intrudes about the same as the stock hood extended, but obviously offers more protection. Another plus is that since my other two main lenses also take E55 filters, I only have to carry one size of filters in my bag. I made both shades for about $20 total.

Here's a photo if you are interested.

-- Jack Flesher (jbflesher@msn.com), November 30, 2001


Very nice but I would use a 46mm filter and put it between the shade and the lens. This would minimize light reflected off the filter.

-- ray tai (razerx@netvigator.com), November 30, 2001.


I agree that yours is a better solution, but I rarely use filters, and when I do, I like to be able to whip them on and off easily, and I like the idea of carrying only one size around with me. If I were worried about additional flare and if I were inclined to go to the trouble, I could always place the filter between the step-up ring and the empty filter rings. But, I'm a lazy photographer, so they'll probably all end up on the front of the shade!

-- Jack Flesher (jbflesher@msn.com), December 01, 2001.

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