Can Windows Media Maker make VCDs? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Hi, I just got a new computer that came with an IEEE 1394 port. I have been downloading videos onto my computer from my digital camcorder through Windows Movie Maker, the software that came with the computer.I can only save files as a Windows Media Video file (.wmv). Is there a way to save the file as a MPEG(MPEG is the Video CD format, right) or convert the wmv to mpg? Thanks.
-- Billy (, November 30, 2001
when you save it, change to all files, then type it in as file.mpeg good luck
-- rusty (, November 30, 2001.
Billy, Please go to and read up on making VCDs before you get started. The fact that you asked this question tells me that you are very new to this. There is nothing wrong with being new as we all had to start sometime, but VCD requires certain bit rates and resolutions in addition to using MPEG-1 video. If you don't know what settings to use, you may have all kinds of problems and not know why. Read up on VCD at the web site I listed. There are lots of guides on how to get started. The more you know about what you are trying to do, the more likely you are to get it right.
-- Jason (, December 03, 2001.
Acutally is also good but it looks like many vcd sites are down rite now. reasearch some more on the topic.
-- Billy Bob (, January 08, 2002.