Weekend. So, what are you all doing?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Is Rik going to St Tropez?

-- Anonymous, November 30, 2001


I saw the Rikster the other night. He told me he can't get on line very much these days as he is playing lots of night-time golf!! I kid you not!

Apparently, he has found a source of fluorescent golf balls on the net (www.cnisbelieving.com) and he and a few mates play regularly at night at Bedlington GC.

He's got his handicap down to 19 already, so he's doing pretty damned well. He's lost some weight, and looked in good shape - so the exercise is obviously doing him good. Sends his regards to everyone.

-- Anonymous, November 30, 2001

ten pin bowling with our department this afternoon... maybe... or I'll just go down the pub

Golf tomorrow am, webcast/match day thread pm

Nothing at all planned for Sunday!!!

-- Anonymous, November 30, 2001

Probably try to get my Christmas cards done - and maybe a bit of "retail therapy". Thinking of joing a gym (or should that be Jim down at the pub?) so need to get some super-slim lycra shorts.

Oh - and listening to the footy the morra

-- Anonymous, November 30, 2001

don't bother stu, they are full of young girls in leotards, jumping up and down and getting all sweaty. And thats just the bars in Blyth!

-- Anonymous, November 30, 2001

Beer tonight , Golf Am tomorrow , Working in house and listening to radio afternoon, Mams for dinner sunday (worlds best cook).

-- Anonymous, November 30, 2001

Oh God, I just bought some lovely plums and bit into a particularly juicy one. Looked down and there was a massive maggot in it. There's either a metaphor or an omen in there somewhere.

-- Anonymous, November 30, 2001

Haven't thought that far in advance, so just taking things as they come this weekend. Though a couple will be making a mandatory visit to a local department store for their annual chocolate sale. Chocolates aren't on sale. Rather they hand out free chocolate bars at the door, the wrapper containing a discount of between 15-25% on any subsequent purchase on the day. Shopping and chocolate...you can't go wrong! :-9

-- Anonymous, November 30, 2001

Dougal Just thank god it was'nt half a maggot..

-- Anonymous, November 30, 2001

Going to Macau, solely to recoup the ackers I lost there 2 weeks ago ("Grand Prix?, moi? jamais ma cherie"), maybe I'll drink lots of alcohol and fornicate ("make love") with some local female(s) (all my ex's by the way!) too?!

Cest la vie, mes amis


...been there, done that....ask derek>>>>

-- Anonymous, November 30, 2001

Off out tonight and then crap tidying the house on Saturday, may watch Man u v Chelsea on Sky. May listen to game on web cast with whoever is around or go Xmas shopping in town. Big dilemma.

-- Anonymous, November 30, 2001

Off to a country hotel in Cumbria with friends for a Xmas Dinner Dance and a skinful tomorrow night - after watching the Man U v Chelsea match on telly.
The full cooked breakfast on Sunday followed by a walk - hopefully not in the rain - then a dash home to see whatever game is on 't telly.

-- Anonymous, November 30, 2001

Very nice Clarky! But it's a bit early for a Xmas dinner isn't it? BTW the do isn't at the Langdale Hotel by any chance is it? I know someone who may be going>

-- Anonymous, November 30, 2001

Saturday - visiting mom, eating good food etc.
Sunday - going back to Stockholm, then leaving for Korea in the afternoon. Back Dec 10th.

-- Anonymous, November 30, 2001

Well, actually it isn't Lynda. I'm curious - how did you know LR was going to the Langdale Hotel tomorrow?

-- Anonymous, November 30, 2001

Not sure I know who LR is. Can you enlighten me?

I only said Langdale as I know someone who is going for a Xmas thing tomorrow so thought it could be the same thing you're at.

It's a very nice hotel though.

-- Anonymous, November 30, 2001

cancelled theatre tonite `Rent`- overtime shift came up, daughters birthday today, 2nd son`s tomoorow, Mrs Buff also, so heading down to Aberdeen for a family meal at night. Big occassion for moi, leaving at 3.30pm, returning at 11.30 pm , this will be the first time for 21 years approx I have used public transport , The Bus , seems strange

-- Anonymous, November 30, 2001

Down to Aberdeen? Buff you must live very far North.

BTW Clarky if you're there - LR isn't the LR MUFC supporter who so annoyed me last weekend is it? I nearly went to that hotel myself this weekend, would have been interesting to bump into him, probably unknowingly!

-- Anonymous, November 30, 2001

Lynda - I was indeed referring to the one and only Lancaster Red - your mate. I was actually trying to be 'deep' - but only succeeded in digging myself a deep hole. Sorry!

-- Anonymous, November 30, 2001

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