It was truly AMAZING : LUSENET : SARO1's Inner Connections : One Thread

Author Comment Hilltop Duchess Registered User posts: 2 (1/27/01 7:29:43 pm) Reply | Edit | Del All It was truly AMAZING . . . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last evening I asked Sue to do a body scan for me, a 46 year old female. I asked her to do this via private E-mail because I'm in a situation where my online privacy is of utmost concern. She was kind enough to do so. . .and her response to me all but blew me away. Her initial reply to me was ABSOLUTELY on target, and in subsequent follow-up correspondence, she focused on several other things with amazing precision and clarity.

I've given her permission to cut and paste portions of our correspondence, so as to add it to "the record", so to speak, but in a way that will give me some anonymity.

I thank you again for doing this for me, Sue. Appreciate it very much!

SAR01 ezOP posts: 1444 (1/27/01 10:31:55 pm) Reply | Edit | Del Re: It was truly AMAZING . . . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H.D. thank you so much for this confirmation.....but I have decided this short letter will be enough, I am concerned if I did post some of what "came up," it could possibly be recognized, so I will hope all these other posts will carry the verification that is needed.

We will all send you good thoughts in hopes to get you through the next few months.

-- SAR01 (, November 30, 2001

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