
greenspun.com : LUSENET : SARO1's Inner Connections : One Thread

Author Comment Wilferd Registered User posts: 1 (2/21/01 5:47:32 pm) Reply | Edit | Del All Male , age 41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you have a chance, could you do a scan for this person? Many thanks!

SAR01 ezOP posts: 2025 (2/21/01 8:30:06 pm) Reply | Edit | Del Re: Male , age 41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First thing that hit me was the sniffles, like hay fever, or a cold or allergies. the other important thing was painful knees, can't distingugish if it is arthritic or an old sports trauma. but as soon as I click on here my knees hurt. has this male had a heart problem in the past, either a small attack or problem.....I am getting a heaviness in the chest area, and can't tell if it is heart or indigestion. (I think it is indigestion, but have to tell you what I get.)

ummmmmm.....don't know how else but to say it, if he hasn't yet had a base line exam for prostate tell him to. (This is for precautionary only) I think he he does some checking, he'll find there is 3 menin his bloodline (Meaning family) (sorry, was thinking on a pet before this on! hehehehe) that either had a problem, or thought they did.

I also feel there is torn, stertched, or pulled muscles in the abdomen area, and this can also create back pains. If they was surgery in stomach area, then I think I am getting adhesions...which are not fun.

I feel this man's energy is down, either he has put on a bit of weight or he is in a small depression, (Like really, really ready for spring!) He may have that SAD thing, where you get depressed because of less sunlight.

Also, I get this real strong...and specific...to be checked for hepititus (sp) (this was given to me very strong....don't know what they do, if a blood test would tell anything?

Let me know how this hit, remember I am not dr. and can't diagnose....

Wilferd Registered User posts: 2 (2/21/01 11:01:15 pm) Reply | Edit | Del Re: Male , age 41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERY interesting. . .

This is someone I'm not physically nor emotionally close to NOW, but was at one time. I have been getting almost exactly the same 'vibes' about him as you did.

He is prone to getting upper respiratory infections that drag on, mostly involving nasal congestion and post nasal drip. Almost always has 'something' about this time of the year; I would imagine this year's no different.

To my knowledge, he's NOT had heart problems in the past, but he's been taking medication for over a year (Meridia) for weight loss/control, and I've heard (don't know if it's accurate, though) that it sometimes causes or exacerbates cardiac conditions. He has been grossly overweight all of his adult life, which doesn't do the heart any good, so it might be a case of things catching up with him.

As far as I know, no one in his family has ever had any problems with prostate, no one that's in his bloodline, that is. BUT. . . he *has* had problems with. . .how to put it 'delicately' . . .? . . .a very low sex drive. Hasn't 'always' been that way, but probably for the last 7 or 8 years, yes. He's gone through extensive medical testing, and everything checked out, except a very low testosterone level. Even testosterone shots did not help him.

The stomach pains/problems could very likely be associated with his gross overweight; he had a huge belly. He also has had some very extensive back surgery due to a ruptured disk. His doctor had told him that his weight problem contributed greatly to his back problem, and I'm wondering if this is what you've picked up.

The depression. . .yes. . .although he will be the very last one to ever admit that he is. He's chronically depressed, but seems to manifest it differently than most: he forces himself to put on a 'happy face'. Very troubled and tormented man he is. And yes, right now, he's got quite a bit to be depressed about, mostly of his own doing/not doing. . .

The hepatitis . . .not sure what to tell you. He got two of the three Hep B vaccinations in 1999. Don't know know what to make of this 'signal' . . . Hmmmm. . .Could be another strain, might have gone ahead and gotten his 3rd vaccination? Hard to know what to make of it, especially in light of his difficulty with intimacy. . .

Overall. . .you are very much on the mark. Thank you. With the exception of the hepatitis, this is very much what I'd been picking up, too.

SAR01 ezOP posts: 2028 (2/21/01 11:12:16 pm) Reply | Edit | Del Re: Male , age 41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Whew....I didn't know how to explain the weight issue, I felt I was 'growing" as I was scanning him.....also, if it is not hep. it is something close, cause I got that very strong.....Did he ask for the scan or did you just do it?

the reason I ask if the person "opens" for the scan, I get much more.

Also, you verified the sadness I felt, and the sonf the "tears of a Clown" that kept playing in my mind.

thanks for the verification.

Wilferd Registered User posts: 3 (2/22/01 12:20:21 am) Reply | Edit | Del Re: Male , age 41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No, he didn't ask. I've not spoken with this person for some time.

The weight. . .it's been a problem for him, like I said, for most, if not all his life. He has been *very* large at different points in his life; he had lost quite a bit taking the Meridia, but just have a feeling that it's eitiher not working, he's stopped it, or. . .something. . .I get the impression that he's very heavy, or regaining what he had lost.

Yes, "Tears of a Clown". . .how very sad it is that that song is so fitting.

-- SAR01 (rauch01@yahoo.com), November 30, 2001

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