Freespirit : LUSENET : SARO1's Inner Connections : One Thread

Author Comment freespirit1961 Registered User posts: 2 (1/31/01 6:15:24 pm) Reply | Edit | Del All male 40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sue when you get a chance would you scan a male 40 years old please.

thanks Julie

SAR01 ezOP posts: 1516 (1/31/01 11:14:42 pm) Reply | Edit | Del Re: male 40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sure thing, just not in the "right" frame right now...will get back here as soon as I can.

SAR01 ezOP posts: 1564 (2/3/01 3:24:48 pm) Reply | Edit | Del Re: male 40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Free Spirit...I am sorry for the delay...but I was having other things going on, and I need to be in the right "mind" set.

I will try right now, please let me know how it hits, thanks.

Male 40..... I get a strong constutution, but recently has been feeling "something just isn't right, and the mind is working over time. I don't feel anything terrible, but many little, I get tingles in my feet and toes, I am wondering if this is a symbol to me for checking for diabetes. I don't know what it means, just that my toes are tingly, like numbing if you sit on them awhile.

I am feeling a definate "pinched" nerve in the siatic (sp?) lower back, that may be the cause of the tingles...also I have excrutiating pains around the backlower head, upper neck region....almost as if he had a whip lash, or head truma at some time. this is very strong to me, and I am in real pain feeling this.

moving along...I seem to be having slight problems focusing with my eyes...if he doesn't wear glasses, he should be checked, if he does, he needs stronger lenses.

I'm am not sure what this is, but I think it is showing me, digestion problems like heartburn, but this will be taken care of...I don't think it is serious, but he is noticing this more lately.

old knee problem that flares, but not disableing. and I keep geting this pinched nerve the lower back...he needs someone to "pick" him up and shake him like a re-alighn things.

also, feeling an allergy to someing close to him, that just recently started to bother him...could be saop, cats, cologn...something. See stress, but the stress will very soon be relieved, don't know what is causing the stress, but that will leave, there for taking the rest of the stress with it.

Hope this makes sense...Sue

freespirit1961 Registered User posts: 4 (2/4/01 12:19:46 am) Reply | Edit | Del Re: male 40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sue,

Dan says that you are right on the money with everything except for the heart burn part. Could part of this heartburn be that he has had 2 heart attacts???? He does need to go see a chiro. For lower back and neck area. He also has had knee problems for a long time. STRESS I think we all have stress but yes more stress at work at this time As far as feet problems it comes and goes. Alot of his stress comes out in his feet. Sometimes worse than others. He said his eyes are ok but sometimes things are alittle blurry. As far as allergies. He is allergic to cats. And they have been in the house cuz of the colder weather. Most of them are outside now. Thank you very much for the reading. I know He appreciated it also. My daughter (age 17) asked for a reading also. I told her I didnt know if you would do that or not. I didnt want to push my luck. I know that the way you explain things it really can take a toll on your self. Thank you again Julie

Edited by: freespirit1961 at: 2/4/01 12:21:19 am

SAR01 ezOP posts: 1576 (2/4/01 2:17:37 am) Reply | Edit | Del Re: male 40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- female..17...I get a real worry wart, but no one would ever know it by looking at her and being around her. She is very healthy at this time, but if she doesn't learn to channel excess anxity now, she will start feeling "little" things, nothing big, but over time will make her very depressed if she doesn't allow herself some "down" time...we can all be "up and Happy" all the time.

I feel a great energy to accomplish alot in her life time, as I feel alot of good energy, but again, it could be hereditary....worry and stress, if not channeled will create pain. I also feel a very athelic , healthy young woman...( and I see a few kids Waaaay later...3 two boys then a space and a girl) if you wanted to know that,

remember, I can be all wrong....

but thank you for the confirmation on your husband.

freespirit1961 Registered User posts: 7 (2/5/01 8:44:14 pm) Reply | Edit | Del Re: male 40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for scanning Katie. She thought that was real cool. I'm glad you put in about the children later in life. Katie has low self esteem and confidence. She thinks she is not pretty. But she is. She is a bigger girl. Not fat but bigger boned and built. She is a worry wart and everyone knows it. She also has a very short temper. She is nice one moment and blowing her stack the next and back to being ok later. She does have a few goals in life. I hope she fulfills. She is not an energetic person. More a couch potato. But she does dream alot about doing those things but just doesnt. She is a happy child in her own way. She is happy when it is her way. And if its not you better watch out. Part of the problem is like you said she does not know how to channel her anger and fear. Her fear can get the best of her. She see things .... energies ... shadows .... and more. I need to get her to see someone about what she sees and how to handle it. Not as easy as it seams. She has spoken to one person and it did help, she will now at least acknowledge and deal with it and talk about what she sees. thanks again for her reading Julie

SAR01 ezOP posts: 1610 (2/5/01 11:03:26 pm) Reply | Edit | Del Re: male 40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are very welcome, I feel the right person will come and really "touch" base with her, and help her. the anger is alot of not channeling the energy, and not knowing HOW to channel it!

freespirit1961 Registered User posts: 8 (2/21/01 5:29:24 pm) Reply | Edit | Del body scans -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sue, I am not sure if you check back on old letters or not but I am thanking you for Katie one more time. My computer just got back up and running yesterday. I am so excited. I felt like I had computer withdrawls. Haha. Could you tell me why Katie is so afraid of the dark??? If not thats ok. Also how can she channel her excess energy? thanks Julie

SAR01 ezOP posts: 2024 (2/21/01 8:09:33 pm) Reply | Edit | Del Re: body scans -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Free Spirit, so glad you are back up and on line!

as far as your Daughter, why not email me, as it may turn out to be a bit personnel, then if you wish to edit some parts, you can and then share it here, only if you want to.

I will try to get to it, later to night, but I have barn chores and errands till a bit later.

freespirit1961 Registered User posts: 9 (2/22/01 3:14:05 pm) Reply | Edit | Del body scans -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- saro, I have a 10 month old daughter that has been running a fever since 8 pm last night. I dont know what to treat her for. She is a very happy child....and to see her very weepy and in some kind of discomfort just tears me up inside. So if you would be so kind as to scan her and see what you come up with I would appreciate it. i would like to speak with you on email about Katie. Mine is I'll check back in awhile to see if you came up with anything for my little one,thanks

SAR01 ezOP posts: 2053 (2/22/01 4:16:48 pm) Reply | Edit | Del Re: body scans -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I think it is a virus being fought off. I get congestion in chest and muscus membranse..I think it is just a bug....but if any doubt..or high temp...take her to the dr's.

freespirit1961 Registered User posts: 10 (2/22/01 6:02:26 pm) Reply | Edit | Del body scans -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- thanks!!!!!!

-- SAR01 (, November 30, 2001

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