Curley : LUSENET : SARO1's Inner Connections : One Thread

Author Comment CurlyQ723 Registered User posts: 2 (2/22/01 11:03:29 pm) Reply | Edit | Del All Request for body scan--in your spare time--tee hee -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm female and I'll be 50 next month.

SAR01 ezOP posts: 2060 (2/23/01 4:12:12 pm) Reply | Edit | Del Re: Request for body scan--in your spare time--tee hee -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am getting swamped with requests, and trying to "save" our board, so if you can be patient, I would appreciate it, I have to be in the right state of mind, and now I am racing around!!!! ok????? thanks!

CurlyQ723 Registered User posts: 5 (2/26/01 9:47:29 am) Reply | Edit | Del Re: Request for body scan--in your spare time--tee hee -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh yes, I wasn't joking when I said spare time other than I have a feeling you don't have any of that--lol. Just anytime--I also know that it takes something out of you too so don't wear yourself out--we would miss your posts.

SAR01 ezOP posts: 2114 (2/26/01 12:06:50 pm) Reply | Edit | Del Re: Request for body scan--in your spare time--tee hee -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks, Curly...and remember I will be losing the pc for a few days...... then I 'll do it, I promise!

SAR01 ezOP posts: 2180 (3/2/01 12:42:14 pm) Reply | Edit | Del Re: Request for body scan--in your spare time--tee hee -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ok, female 49...I am getting a feeling like you are in the process of "toning" up, or losing weight, or something "good" in the health aspect. I think you are coming out of a time when you had little aches and pains, here and there, not quite sure what was "wrong"....I don't get anything real serious. I do have a "funniness" in the area that may relate to border line diabetes, or if you do have it, you have it well under control. my fingers do hurt, like possible stiffness in the mornings or when it is cold...but this is just "life" I don't feel it is a serious case of artheritis. I am getting "tight" you either are working out, or are planning to start. I feel you are coming into a very "healthy " time for you. one other thing I get is you are allergic to poison ivy or certain soaps, or lotions or foods. I feel a strong "Picese" (March birthday) around that you, or someone close to you?

let me know how I did.....

CurlyQ723 Registered User posts: 6 (3/2/01 2:42:36 pm) Reply | Edit | Del Re: Request for body scan--in your spare time--tee hee -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You did very well. My birthday is March 14th. I tried to quit smoking in Dec.--quit for 2 weeks and started back--I quit again today. I also have decided in the last 2 weeks to try and change my eating habits because I hurt all the time and am so forgetful. So i'm trying to eat healther. Haven't been doing any abs but who knows. My hands are stiff and right now my left little finger area is numb. The itching-am allergic to poison icy and also can't use cheap washing powders. I thank you very much and am glad to see that nothing is wrong.Oh, will have diabeties checked because my grandmother had it but I never have yet.

SAR01 ezOP posts: 2191 (3/2/01 3:07:09 pm) Reply | Edit | Del Re: Request for body scan--in your spare time--tee hee -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for the verification.....and you will kick the habit...I am smoke free over 15 months!!!!! I am bound and determined to LOSE this FAT and get back in shape. I think you will find you want to shape up...and will!!!! AGAIN...I stress a healthy time for you!!!!!!

-- SAR01 (, November 30, 2001

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