Doc Holiday : LUSENET : SARO1's Inner Connections : One Thread

Author Comment SAR01 ezOP posts: 2413 (3/13/01 4:25:25 pm) Reply | Edit | Del All Welcome, Doc Holliday -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi there, great to see you, and I did delete the 2 posts you requested.

Well, let see, have you read the body scans, ???

I need your sex and age and then I tell you what I feel. I AM NOT a doctor......I am an empath.

the thread you posted on, was an open thread to see if any one wanted to see if they could scan anyone.

Hope this explains.....if not, ask me another question....

Doc Holliday USA Registered User posts: 4 (3/13/01 6:14:06 pm) Reply | Edit | Del Re: Welcome, Doc Holliday -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After my first post I went back and read all the others on this forum. I believe I now have a better understanding of what you are doing.

From an early age you have been able to read individual energy patterns, either in person or at a distance, based on what you intuitively "feel" when you close your eyes and think of, or concentrate on, a person's name and age. Sometimes you are able to see auras as well. This psychic gift came to you naturally rather than as a result of something you developed as a goal.

I would be curious to know if you also consider yourself a healer and are able, after detecting imbalances and ailments in others, to send or project healing energy to them to restore health.

One aspect of your method I might question has to do with vision problems. For several cases on this forum you mentioned that prescription glasses or stronger lenses were needed. An alternative approach would be to encourage people to improve their vision through proper nutrition and eye exercises, at the same time having them ask their optometrists to gradually reduce the strength of their lenses. Over time that might help vision, whereas stronger lenses usually make the eyes weaker and dependent on lenses.

Your talent is most assuredly a blessing. We are fortunate to know about you.

Edited by: Doc Holliday USA at: 3/13/01 6:19:18 pm

SAR01 ezOP posts: 2419 (3/13/01 8:38:49 pm) Reply | Edit | Del Re: Welcome, Doc Holliday -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Doc...are you a doctor...really? the reason I ask, Is I have heard of the eye exercises and I infact have stabilised my own eyes for several years through eye "exercises."

the reason I will not get into the nutritional and other aspects of healing while I am doing a "scan" is for legalities. I AM NOT A I dare not prescribe or dare to diagnose, when I scan, I try ONLY to concentrate on "feeling" now...if someone asks me in a consultation, and I am "giving" information to share, then I will tell them.....

I do believe in good eating habits, lots of water, and healthy exercise . ( I am still working on losing weight and jump staring my matabolism again!)

Oh, and when I really want somoeone to do a specific thing in reguard to a health situation, I will "tell them a story" and STRONGLy suggest they see a dr. or I did in M.S.'s thread. (That is still bizzarre to me!)

So glad you took the time to read the scans, and thank you so much for your kind words. I hope I answered what you were asking.

Oh, as to being a "healer" well, the way I see it, the HEALING energies flow through me to the person in need. I credit Christ with the healing energy. It is also my belief that some people want/or need to ail.....they don't want to do anything to get better. (what a pity for them) but those people , aren't usually helped

-- SAR01 (, November 30, 2001

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