Mom of trips : LUSENET : SARO1's Inner Connections : One Thread

Author Comment MomOvTriplets Registered User posts: 1 (3/23/01 3:45:59 pm)

Reply | Edit | Del All 42 year old woman -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I would love to be scanned. I have had many physical setbacks this year and wondered if you can pick up on these? Thank you. :-)

SAR01 ezOP posts: 2599 (3/23/01 8:31:22 pm)

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Re: 42 year old woman -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear "Mom".....if you can wait till later tonight, I will try to get to you, but have a bunch I need to "pull" together in real life....Moving myself!

Just wanted you to know I see your post, will be trying to do it later tonight!

SAR01 ezOP posts: 2608 (3/24/01 1:22:15 pm)

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Re: 42 year old woman -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42 lady: Hmmmmm, I am having trouble getting started here, but will try. I get very tired, like in the old days they called it "droopsie" I am hearing "iron poor blood" but have a dr. check this, as Iron can be a deadly killer if you have HEMOCHROMATOSIS..(My bio -brother had this, and in 3 months was dead.) so since "Spirit" gave me the iron part, do please check it with your dr.

I get a fogginess in the brain, but don't know how the explain...not like you are unclear, but like a coating surrounds you brain, (Keep in mind, this is only "symbolic) I think it means, you have to step back from every day chores every once in a while and be able to "re-group" believe me, the time will come, I know you have 3 kiddos and time, well, what is time, hey????

If you want to, private email me, and ask what you are concerned about, as I feel only a possible hormonal imbalance, and light headed ness. also if you are in fact sick right now, I may be having trouble.

Sorry I can't get much else right now. WAIT, just as I was to hit reply, I heard "Inner ear infection"

-- SAR01 (, November 30, 2001

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