Lila : LUSENET : SARO1's Inner Connections : One Thread

Lila20 Registered User posts: 7 (3/31/01 10:24:30 pm)

Reply | Edit | Del All This is interesting -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just if you have time. No rush. I'm interested in finding out what you see. 36, female. ~~Lila~~

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SAR01 ezOP posts: 2729 (3/31/01 11:49:58 pm)

Reply | Edit | Del Community Supporter

Re: This is interesting -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- well, let's see, I get a sinus congestion or allergy, and a heaviness around the eyes. tired eyes, are you due for a check up, I feel alot of strain in the eye maybe from alot of detailed work.

I also get swollen ankles, like your legs need to be elevated periodiacally. I also get some pressure in the bladder or kidney area, nothing bad, but I feel like you are not getting enough water.....more like you drink too much of something else, but not enough water.

I get the feeling of dry mouth, again, I think all these things I am getting is either saying to get checked for diabetes, or you may have it now.????? I don't know, this is just what it feels like. I think your lungs heart and all the other innards, seem fine.

how did I do? feel free to ask if you have something specific. (I do wonder if you had your thryiod checked lately???? I just got that as i was ready to withdraw.)

Lila20 Registered User posts: 12 (4/2/01 11:43:02 pm)

Reply | Edit | Del Re: This is interesting -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Very good job! Specifically, yes I have a thyroid problem and take medicine for it daily. The rest was accurate also. Very good! Thank you, that was interesting.

-- SAR01 (, November 30, 2001

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