Body Scans ..Suzy : LUSENET : SARO1's Inner Connections : One Thread

Author Comment suzy02 Registered User posts: 2 (5/5/01 6:19:40 pm) Reply | Edit | Del All Body Scan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Saro, in reading some of the replies you have made from doing body scans, does it tire you to do this? I would wonder if it can depleat your energy.

If it doesn't cause fatigue effects for you, can you scan me?

50 year old female, small build.

Thank you. suzy suzy

SAR01 ezOP posts: 3296 (5/6/01 1:39:40 am) Reply | Edit | Del Community Supporter

Re: Body Scan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, Suzy, yes, it is very tiring, and I am an empath, so when I do a scan, I "feel" every thing that you feel.

I am getting too many requests and not enough time to "re-coup" with all that I need to do in real life, so I'm afraid I may have to quit offering them.....I usually incorperate them into "consultations", but I am in a different "frame" of mind,More Alpha thinking as opposed to beta while posting!

Anyway, I am much too tired to even try to do any so I will "think" on you, the the others..hopefully tomorrow.

thanks for being patient. Inner Connections

suzy02 Registered User posts: 3 (5/6/01 2:23:19 am) Reply | Edit | Del Re: Body Scan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saro, thank you for your thoughts. Take care of yourself. suzy

SAR01 ezOP posts: 3395 (5/10/01 12:25:14 am) Reply | Edit | Del Community Supporter

Re: Body Scan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I get allergies that are either from pollens or food, but I get pressure in the chest, but NOT heart problems, so I am thinking allergies.

I get sinus pressure for you, too, and a dizzy feeling, don't know if this is from meds,or from low blood sugar, please check on blood sugar, I am being told this is very important....that if caught , it will be cared for with diet.

my legs and feet hurt, throb, so I am thinking varicose veins, and leg swelling....but this has to do with an allergy, again.

sporadic but intense headaches, mostly on the left side....behind the ear is where they start.

think internal organs are all fine.

hope I did ok. sorry about the wait. Inner Connections

suzy02 Registered User posts: 10 (5/10/01 1:43:20 am) Reply | Edit | Del Re: Body Scan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Saro, thank you.

Yes, there are allergies and sinus problems, for years, and we were never able to figure out what the "allergy" was, believe its food. Some pollens we are aware of, and its that time of year. But too beautiful to stay indoors....

The pressure in the chest, leg swelling, and dizzy feeling are from "neurally mediated hypotension" or low blood pressure, (improperly balanced electrolytes specifically salt). This does cause the legs and feet to swell, and throb. Am under treatment of this and see heart doc on a regular basis. And yes, diet is one of the treatments - salt by the ton! Also a few varicose veins.

The headaches, probably from too many hectic and LONG days at the office. Sure know when they are here, but not sure why.

My apology if it caused you too much discomfort. I didn't realize you would feel that much. Thank you. suzy suzy

-- SAR01 (, November 30, 2001

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