Body Scans...Duke : LUSENET : SARO1's Inner Connections : One Thread

Author Comment duke Registered User posts: 1 (5/5/01 12:00:05 pm) Reply | Edit | Del All spouse scan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hello, if you could scan for my wife 38,39 i remember the date not the year,lol. ive seen you do this on occasion. i would be grateful thank you

duke Registered User posts: 2 (5/5/01 1:35:40 pm) Reply | Edit | Del spouse scan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- after rereading the request i realised i could be a little more specific. she has pain in neck/shoulder which has been troubling. she has eye trouble on occasion. blurred vision headache. has had eyes checked ,chiropractor,md, etc. she also had a sinus problem which required surgeory. any help would be appreciated. thank you

SAR01 ezOP posts: 3297 (5/6/01 1:41:20 am) Reply | Edit | Del Community Supporter

Re: spouse scan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, Duke, I am just now trying to run through the forums, and am too tired to scan, will try to get to it tomorrow. thanks! Inner Connections

duke Registered User posts: 3 (5/11/01 5:35:11 pm) Reply | Edit | Del i know youre busy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- but if you get a chance this weekend could you try a scan? thank you

SAR01 ezOP posts: 3424 (5/11/01 8:09:22 pm) Reply | Edit | Del Community Supporter

Re: i know youre busy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry, Duke, I went through last night, thought I had them all...

first thing I get is migraines, and / or sinus...but definately headaches.

also get ringing in her ears. (tinnittus)??? I feel like there's been either a c-section, or some tummy surgury, (could even be laproscopy) but I think there is residual pains, I believe from adhesions.

I am gettinga health concern, but real indescrimanate......meaning she just fels totally blah, and can't "get it together" and if she goes to a dr...they will want her on "prosac" or something. I think it is more something like hormonal imbalances.

I don't get anything else , but if they is something she is real worried about, you can ask me.

I may have hit what you have said, but I try to "do a scan" fresh, and not read what you say.

So when I did this just now....this is what I felt.

thanks for being patient.

how did I do? Inner Connections

duke Registered User posts: 4 (5/12/01 9:49:21 am) Reply | Edit | Del your reading! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i am impressed again! the sinus problem has been a health issue for several years. aprox yr ago she had surgeory for it. didnt seem to help much. i assume this causes or is the cause of the migraines. along with nagging headaches. she has been prescribed an allergy/sinus medicine but when she takes it it totally wipes her out! almost like a sedative. most medication does this to her i dont know why . she tries to avoid everything like that for that reason. though this last week is hayfever season in force and she has taken the medicine so this is probably why you felt blah and couldnt get it together. i hope this means she doesnt need prozac, always been in great mood, mother,wife for years. the c section also on the button!!! along with occasional pains from it. the ringing in the ears....probable but it wouldnt surprise me if she didnt tell me, ill have to ask. thank you so much. i was interested at this time about pain in back of neck area. please dont feel compelled to scan again if it is bothersome for i feel ive already become a burden. but thank you so much for what you have done.

SAR01 ezOP posts: 3431 (5/13/01 12:50:29 am) Reply | Edit | Del Community Supporter

Re: your reading! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- thank you Duke, for the verifications, I've been gone allday and just checking boards, and as I do, I indeed feel the neck pains for her. I feel 2 things, on is a pinch along the nerve route, meaning the "pinched nerve" is a referred pain, the actual problem lies midway down her back. if you were to press/release along the sides of her spinal column , you may find her "ouchie" spot...if so softly massage increasing pressure as she can tolerate. she will "feel" it in her neck.

I strongly suggest she DOES NOT take she is very sensitive to meds any way.....prozac is tuted as a cure all, it is NOT! they do not tell you all the side affects. I will think on this more and may post tomorrow. Inner Connections

duke Registered User posts: 5 (5/15/01 8:10:07 pm) Reply | Edit | Del thank you for your time n effort -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i followed up the last symptom you mentioned... the ringing in the ears and my wifes reply was yes. she does have it. thank you again for your time and trouble.your reading was enjoyable and accurate.

-- SAR01 (, November 29, 2001

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