Body Scans...Jakham : LUSENET : SARO1's Inner Connections : One Thread

jakham Registered User posts: 4 (5/10/01 7:43:51 pm) Reply | Edit | Del All Body Scan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am 32 year old female

SAR01 ezOP posts: 3411 (5/10/01 11:28:33 pm) Reply | Edit | Del Community Supporter

Re: Body Scan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- first thing I get is a bump on the right ovary..(could be reversed). Now I think you are either mid cycle, and that's what I am getting, or you may have a slight infection or cyst on the ovary. I do not get it to be cancer, but something that should be looked into. I get alot of itchy on your head...NO YOU DON"T have LICE!!!!! it is telling me you are a very "mental" person, either work that entails alot of mental processes, or you use your mind instead of "brute force".

I get a problem with circulation, but it seems to be more on one leg then the other...

sometimes you hear or get a buzzing in your ears....I think this is allergy related, and again, not a serious thing. the only thing I feel strongly about is teeth or gums, a weakness there or problems in the past with teeth or gums.

Please let me know how I did. thanks. Inner Connections

jakham Registered User posts: 5 (5/12/01 10:28:17 am) Reply | Edit | Del body scan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i'm replying for my wife...she just got over a large cyst in the overy the hospital for a few days...i guess what you got was what was left of it....she has been having problems w/ her toes the nails bleed when she jogs....thanks again for your time

SAR01 ezOP posts: 3430 (5/13/01 12:40:12 am) Reply | Edit | Del Community Supporter

Re: body scan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for the verification, Jakham, I will keep her in prayer for speedy recovery and healing.

I appreciate the validation I get, even if them are sometimes you can see, many times I am given the right things, but it is my interpretation that is messed up somewhat. I do feel she will be fine, soon.

-- SAR01 (, November 29, 2001

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