BodyScan...Monkeyface : LUSENET : SARO1's Inner Connections : One Thread

Author Comment monkeyface Registered User Posts: 3 (7/31/01 1:39:49 pm) Reply | Edit | Del All body scan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi again! You asked how in the world I came by monkeyface.During the preparations for y2k, my sister and I would miss each other on different forums. So I remembered we (6 kids-brothers and sisters) called her monkeyface growing up. She was very petite-still is pretty much so-especially in the face. So being the bratty and bossy oldest of the bunch I came up with monkeyface for her--that's ok, most of the neighborhood couldn't pronounce my name, so they called me elephant(for Evelyn) lol So with the moniker monkeyface, she could figure out my posts and respond if she wanted to. I keep it now as not many people wanna be called by it. And I don't have to worry about being confused with the other names I have used in different forums. How's that for a $5.00 answer to a nickel question? Anyway, I wondered if you would do a scan for my husband. He's 49(on sat),and as far I am aware in good health. He worries about being a little overweight, but it would be gone in 6 weeks if he were to start climbing and hiking again. His right hand had a twiching or jerking that comes and goes ever since he fell 30' back in the early 90's. That's about it. Thanks--monkeyface SAR01 ezOP Posts: 5031 (8/1/01 12:45:45 am) Reply | Edit | Del Community Supporter

Re: body scan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I love the explanation!!!! so, do we call you elephant??? Nay...I think I like Evelyn much better!!!!

ok, male 49...

very first thing,,,,I feel a funniness, in my well, in his...well...OH MY!!!! Let's just say...has he ever had his Prostrate examined as of yet??? I think Spirit is saying he should have a baseline....If he (or you) has been thinking he should get one...that is your angels kind of pushing the issue..NOT that he has it, but he should have a base line...(like women should have base line Mammagrams.

I am also feeling a tinge in the right quardrant of upper tummy...does "sugar" run in the family, as I am thinking, if he is careful and does drop the weight, I think he will advert the onset of it. I don't see as as overly over weight.... but he's "feeling" sluggish....he is getting too much High Fat in his diet. he started likeing something...and he is eating a bit tooooo much of it!...heheheh

His hand...I get a nerve damage up in the shoulder area. if you were to "walk" your fingers up his will find a very sensitve area up by the outside of the shoulder.

I really don't "feel" anything major. but I do feel reflux (acid) is a slight problem....this will ease when he drops some weight....and he will...don't nag him, though...he'll surprise you!!!

how did I do???? Inner Connections

-- SAR01 (, November 29, 2001

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