Body Scan...Lone eagle woman : LUSENET : SARO1's Inner Connections : One Thread

Author Comment Lone Eagle Woman Registered User Posts: 14 (8/7/01 12:30:37 pm) Reply | Edit | Del All Saro, Can you ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saro, can you do a scan for me? I am a 44 year old female misfit. Thanks! SAR01 ezOP Posts: 5222 (8/7/01 12:44:10 pm) Reply | Edit | Del Community Supporter

Re: Saro, Can you ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SURE...will get to it hopefully a bit later, have a repaiman coming, I need no interuptions.. Inner Connections

Edited by: SAR01 at: 8/8/01 12:52:03 am SAR01 ezOP Posts: 5238 (8/7/01 11:14:17 pm) Reply | Edit | Del Community Supporter

Re: Saro, Can you ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEW..I am not sure this is for you, or someone very close to you. So I am given a for sure body build to help you know who I am doing.

I am feeling a very tall, fit, lean long legged woman...tiny breasted, sandy mid length hair. blue or green eyes. ...suffers from breathing sensitivities...I am not sure that it is asthma, but it could just be very sensitive to irritants, like strong smells, chemicals in hair and make-ups, ect.

So I am hoping you know who this is, if it ISN'T you.

I am feeling a hard mass in the right outer breast area the size of a quarter. this does need to be address swiftly. (If this is you, do not worry, just check it out...if it is someone you know...STRONGLY encourage them to get it looked at. Spirit is very forceful when giving warnings, and most often the outcome is not near as bad as one fears.

I am picking up and internal dis-order..I am thinking it is in the blood, or circulations area or lymphs. like sluggish or slow circulation. I get twists in the tummy me this is IBS, or nervouse bowel...when upset or nervouse , one would experience either constipation or diarraha. Hmmm I am getting blurred vision. I don't know what to make of this..... the term that comes to me is "detached retina" from a blow, or jar to the body. wow...all I can say..if this is NOT is someone you know...OR it could be someone thinking on me right now, and about to ask for a scan. please don't worry if this is not is the only think coming to me, so it is very important for me to put here.

If this is not Lone Eagle Woman, and it seems to fit YOU as you are reading this...PLEASE let me know...

I will finish this with... I get chest pains, and just general funniness...the strongly "thing" that is coming is maybe who ever I am picking up is taking diet pills or something..(I say something because I distinctly feel a thin, slender woman..and can't imagine her needing diet pills.) But I am feeling high blood pressure, stress and tension in chest area, and a feeling that a medacation is involved and could lead to a stroke.

I truely had a hard time with this one...but I "felt" each "syntoms very rather than not post it because I don't think it is LEW...I think some one is to read this and will know it is them.

Let me know what YOU think of this..LEW...If it is your daughter, or friend , or sister, or you...or is it someone reading these scans.

I am stymied! Inner Connections Lone Eagle Woman Registered User Posts: 15 (8/8/01 12:38:56 pm) Reply | Edit | Del Re: Saro, Can you ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saro, Thanks for the body scan. By the body build, you sure pegged me. I am tall at about 5'10" plus with sandy colored hair with blueish to green eyes. I do NOT have asthma but I seemingly am sensitive to things in the air for I do sneeze quite abit. Also I do occasionally do get diarrahea but thought that this was caused by certain foods I ate. But I can get nervous at times. Also I am on a medication for a very personal subject but have been thinking of going off of the medication for sometime now. As far as I know, I do not have high blood pressure though. I went to the doctor and had a checkup last spring and everything was fine. There is a long history of heart attacks and heart problems in the family coming from my father's side of the family. My father and his brothers died by heart attacks with also their mother and some of her brothers and sisters and on back in this family line. This same family line is also where I get my height from with quite a few in the this line being very tall people. Both of my father's brothers died young also because of the heart so their is a weakness here with me. But seemingly I have a strong heart. I am also nearsighted and wear glasses and have for most of my life. I do need another eye examination.

It is interesting that you did not pick up several things that has been affecting me lately which is that I suffer with Restless Leg Syndrome. This more affects me in the night then during the day. Also in that I am allergic to Caffaine which find out more and more affects me for the worse in so many ways. Guess will go to the doctor and have him check again on some of these items with me just in case.

Thanks so much again! May The Creator Bless! SAR01 ezOP Posts: 5253 (8/8/01 1:49:20 pm) Reply | Edit | Del Community Supporter

Re: Saro, Can you ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEW... I had a hard time doing this scan...Hmmmmmm my legs ACHED as I was doing it, so now I know what symbolism to mean RLS. if you wish to send me private email, I may shed more light on what I get....I was worried I was not getting YOU! Also, I have to have my Coffee..but am finding it also is not reacting good in my I am trying to explain, when someone I scan has same or similar things to me...I think their are mine, and may not mention it...sorry! I am still learning how this all works! Inner Connections

Edited by: SAR01 at: 8/9/01 12:52:31 am Lone Eagle Woman Registered User Posts: 17 (8/8/01 2:09:16 pm) Reply | Edit | Del Re: Saro, Can you ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saro, Yes the ache in the legs was probably as concerning me having Restless Leg Syndrome. I only learned what this was a year or so ago. I have done a little studing on this, and 15% of Americans have this. Caffaine is a NO NO to those that have RLS. It does not bother me as much in the day as in the evening time. It can be quite bothersome. There are some days that it affects me more then others.

As concerning Caffaine, I have been finding out that how much does this affect me more and more. At onetime I would get skin rashes because of the Caffaine I had drank. I usually drink morning coffee but more and more am learning to rid myself of the caffaine that I have in my body.

I will be in contact with you and will be sending you a private message. My own email is:

-- SAR01 (, November 29, 2001

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