Help needed from the connection(AMEC) : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

I am currently the conductor of our local youth choir of about 25 young poeple. We have been establish almost 2 years ago and OUR goal is to spread the word of God through music. We are named ACF-Youth-Choir(AMEC). We are living in a very poor town in the western region, South Africa. We believe that we can help our church grow and also help to bring poeple nearer to God, but unfortuanately we have the talent but not the resources to help develope the talents.

"As I believe that you to prepair the soil before the havest"

I believe that we have so many talented young poeple in the Choir and in the church that can make this family(AMEC) very strong but due to this lack of resources we will lose these young people to the Wold. "The church need to invest in it's young poeple to build a stronger churh for the future. If the young poeple is not prepaired for the future, who's gonna be the church leaders. "The better we can prepair these young poeple the better for the church to get even stronger on the continent of africa."

As I always said we have the talents but all we need now is resources to help develope them. The choir is very good!!! At the moment we are the nr1 choir for 2 years in a row in our community. Still we are growing. Unfortuanately our church is not financialy strong enough to help us with our problem. To be honest with you is I don't want this young poeple to make the same mistakes some of our fore fathers did(at our local church - I'll give more info on reply)

Now, OUR problem - 'If any church, person ect good be so kind to help our church to obtain musical instruments, amps and other music equipment. The only thing that we currently have is a tape and it doesn't fills the need of the choir.

I tried and with God's help find poeple to train 7 young people to play different music instruments. I know some off you are just gonna read thus mail and never reply. All I ask you in Jesus name is to help me to make the lifes of these young poeple worthwile. And just think how the church can advantage from it.

PS. MY goal is to make OUR chuch the nr1 church in our town of about 15 churches. We currently ranked nr 9. BUT we are the OLDEST church in town but not according to our structure. If it's in the Lords plan I want to see that change in the next 5 years.

Please consider this an opportunity to help you fellowmen in building the kingdom off God and the AMEC. (I will give more details only to those who respond of our church and it's officers)



-- Anonymous, November 26, 2001


My Dear Brother I have tried 10 times to reach you on your email with no success. Please use my email as my associates are working with the Bishops in Africa for new programs.

God Be with You

-- Anonymous, November 26, 2001

Dear Brother Jerome, Praise God from whom all blessings flow. My heart rejoiced to see that Bro. Nalton is able to shed some light upon your request. If there is a specific need that I can help the choir and/or congregation meet, please do not hesitate to let me know.

-- Anonymous, November 27, 2001

Please accept this in the spirit that it is given. Trust in God. Do not lean on your own understanding. YOU do everything you can to develop the talent of those children and God will move if you trust Him. God gave the talent and He has not forgotten. Have faith in God. Don't prophesy the bad outcomes, rather speak those things that are not into existence. God spoke the worlds into existence and you can do the same. You have the resources to do God's will. Use what you have and if God wants more, He will provide.


Pastor Paris

-- Anonymous, November 27, 2001

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