High Bitrate Mpg > Compliant VCD ?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
It seems my ATI AIW 128 Pro captures the best looking video, without dropping frames, using MPEG1 640 X 480, all "I" frames and 15 MB/sec. What is the best way to convert this capture to VCD? Should I De-Interlace as I capture? I Would like to keep as much picture quality as possible. I'm new at this and any tips would be greatly appreciated
-- Jerry Boyd (spamhole@cox-internet.com), November 25, 2001
If you like what you have captured then you just need two more things- -get TMPGEnc to convert the MPEG1 to VCD complaiant MPEG1. And then burn this using NERO. You will get all the informations you need in www.vcdhelper.com. TMPGEnc has its template for VCD (NTSC or PAL) and that will do all that is necessary for making your MPEG into VCD- complaiant MPEG, including de-interlacing and resizing.
-- Jamst (jamst2000@yahoo.co.jp), November 26, 2001.