35mm Summicron Focusing Scale

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Is the focusing scale on a modern 35 Summicron the same as on a bug-eyed 35 Summicron? If I pre-focus and have DOF on my side, can I use the current 35mm on an M3? Thank

-- Steve Wiley (wiley@accesshub.net), November 25, 2001


Yes you can use it and it will focus properly , if the M3 has not been udjusted to focus under a meter you will have to guess from .7-1 meter . You can use an accessary view finder for the 35mm , or if you don't ware glasses , just assume that you will get all you can see in the internal view finder plus a bit . I used a similar set up with good result in the begining .

-- Charles C. Stirk Jr. (ccstirkjr@yahoo.com), November 25, 2001.

The focus scale on any M lens will be accurate on the M3. By the way, in our archives here there are directions on how to do a 5 minute simple modification to make the M3 focus couple to .7 meters instead of 1 meter. If you can't find it and are interested, email me.

-- Andrew Schank (aschank@flash.net), November 25, 2001.

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