Audio sounds tinny on Video CD : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

After 15 wasted CD-RW's at $1.00 each, I finally figured out that when I bump up the VBV Buffer to 200KB my VCD's play nicely in my Toshiba SD-1200. I am using TMPGenc and Nero. The only glitch is that the audio has a high pitch sound to it. I can live with it but it is slightly annoying. I am encoding video at 2100 (I tried everything from 600 to 2500 and 2100 works great with the increased buffer) Audio is set at stereo 224, 44.1Khz. I am converting home video from DV to VCD. Does anyone have a suggestion how to tone down the audio? Thanks.

-- Stuart Marcus (, November 24, 2001


This is a common occurance with TMPG Enc. Go here:


either encoder will work as TMPG Enc's external audio encoder. Hope this helps.

-- Mark Clement (, November 24, 2001.

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