Someone was having "great fun" at playing me at CS forum, way more fun than I have in real life :-)!!! : LUSENET : Beyond the Sidewalks : One Thread

Many thanks to all who defended the real me and notified Ken and me privately that trouble was afoot on the forum!!!

I guess I missed all the the pearls of insipid wisdom the imposter let fly, but Diane has kindly offered to send me "transcripts" of the offending handiwork so I can compare it to some past troll encounters, most notably Joel's bits of good cheer and wishes of good health from VA!

-- Anonymous, November 17, 2001


Annie, that is just too wild! What kinds of things did they say?

-- Anonymous, November 17, 2001

I must have missed all the "fun"! Altho I'm sure it wasn't fun for you, Annie. All I read over at CS (usually) is chicken and goat stuff. Gotta pay more attention, I guess!!

-- Anonymous, November 17, 2001

Annie, I didn't copy the posts, didn't even think of it. duuuhhh, I was just kind of dumbfounded at the rude answers "you" were giving since I had never seen you do that. The pumkin pie thread was the first one and you were the first comment on it. "you" simply said "that recipe sucks, I mean it really SUCKS". So my comment was right after yours (Ken deleted it) "Annie, you are usually so much more articulate than this. Could you please tell us just what it was that was wrong about this pie??"

Then I opened a couple of threads started by "you". One was on you had cooked your supper over cow dung the night before and it had given it such an "earthy" taste that you had loved and you were going to do hamburger on a stick next. The language just was not you.(to say nothing of the topic) Then the rabbit hide thread (unfortunately Ken deleted the whole thread and I think it was a genuine thread).....someone wanting to know how to tan rabbit hides without ruining the hair and then another question about making leather for dog chews) That one "you" suggested nair, which "you" said you always used and then some rather crude remarks about "your" other uses of nair.

I can not even recall the other ones except that one remark was particularly crude and rude and at that point I posted that I really saw an ugly pattern here and was absolutely certain that someone was being a troll and using your identity. Anyway........Ken got it straightened out. I personally don't think it was joel.

Well, I am off to do the ugly deed. Taking a couple of kids to market today. I hate to do it but we absolutely CAN NOT KEEP everyone. We go through this every year and culling is so hard.

-- Anonymous, November 17, 2001

Yeah, as soon as I read "sucks" I knew it wasn't you, Annie! I didn't read all the threads over at CS that were referenced, but boy, someone (s) are having a lot of "fun."

I especially was surprized at the Girl Trouble (or whatever it's called) thread. Obviously (to me, it seems, anyway) somebody thought it would be fun to write what looks like what was eventually going to be a "gotcha" sex story (wolf) as a request for help post (sheep's clothing.) The vocabulary and syntax were just a little TOO sophisticated for someone ignorant enough to not be able to find out local laws on (his) own, I thought. And the name and the "family farm" were just a little TOO country, as well. Who knows? Or cares, really!

Interesting how we have gotten to know each other's writing styles over time, huh? We can always check back here I guess to find out if something that we have posted is real.

What a zoo over at CS sometimes!!

Take care and keep us posted if you need help.

-- Anonymous, November 17, 2001

Well Annie, I only saw that one I commented on, which was John's senility prayer thread. That one didnt seem so out of place to me, since you send out an occassional ironic dart like the rest of us. Sorry they picked on you, the little creeps. I thought you handled it like a pro, and speaking of darts, I liked your reference to IQ comparisons! Funny.......

Actually I found most of the stuff I saw, (apparently I missed alot) kinda funny, but then I have a sick sense of humor. I too could pretty much tell that one person was doing the asking and some of the answering. I also think its amusing when people get their tender moral sensibilites offended so easily, but whatever. Impersonating another is a whole nother matter though, IMO; that's obviously unacceptable.

-- Anonymous, November 17, 2001

I hope most folks that really are familair with my posts would realize that being a vegetarian and of the Buddhist following would make my "fake" posts enitirely out of line with my way of speaking; ME cooking meat over any kind of fire, and being hurt by a reference to "The Lord's name", come on now!!!

I would never have the meaness to tease John so about a genuinely nice post!

-- Anonymous, November 17, 2001

I didn't really think it was you either Annie but then I thot, hmmmm? maybe with the comment about taking Gods name in vain or whatever it was, but then as a joke taking off from Lauras (gsend) real, serious comment to JOJ on a FSR thread that Little Bit started.

-- Anonymous, November 17, 2001

Glad it got straightened out.

-- Anonymous, November 17, 2001

I thought about pointing out that you were a Buddhist and not likely to be making mention about the offense of copying the formating -- but then, I figured that whoever the troll is, they seem to be pretty intolerant in general, and why give them any more information or ammunition than they already had? You'd already posted how much you enjoyed it over here on BTS, so we all knew.

I've had trolls pretending to be me over on other boards to deal with -- fortunately, all the people who were regulars there also knew that it wasn't likely to be me posting juvenile sexual nonsense.

-- Anonymous, November 17, 2001

At CS, Ken has followed the cookies and found a few of the people. It was also found that "two" people had the same cookie and that cookie was also ben jr. It was followed to a college and Ken knows someone there. Interesting where it goes from there. I think we would all love to get a hold of that person. Oh, they also think it's a girl.

Joel is definitely gone, isn't he?

-- Anonymous, November 19, 2001

I am somewhat intrigued by the post at CS asking "where is my question?" since the handle is Wendy's newer one (I think... Remember Wendy at GraceAcres? I think she's still at Freedom, anyway. I think she's now animalfarms...tell me if I'm wrong.) Why would Don Armstrong think her original post was suspicious? I didn't see it...was the question asked in jest, or just the answers? (nair, etc.)

Gotta be fast to catch those censored posts! I'm not fast enough!

-- Anonymous, November 20, 2001

sheepish, I think because Annie's supposed answer was the first or second one and some of the other really rauchy ones were started and answered by the same person, that Ken in haste just deleted the whole post. If I hadn't sat down with a cup of coffee early I would have missed the whole thing myself. Although I am not sure of that because no one was even questioning it (that it was Annie) until I did and then some of the people here still thought it was her. Go figure. So you think it is Wendy?? Interesting........seems a lot of people that stomped off are still lurking and posting as mood strikes them.

-- Anonymous, November 20, 2001

I should have included that I was one of them?? ;>) (but at least I still post with the same personna???)

-- Anonymous, November 20, 2001

I don't know for sure, Sheepish, but I think animalfarms has been around on CS a couple of years. S/he doesn't post a LOT, but I think it's been years. I could be wrong. I sure do remember Wendy, and I don't think their posts sound at all alike.

-- Anonymous, November 20, 2001

I just remember Wendy J. Lewis, so maybe it's someone different. That's from old, old posts. I agree, doesn't sound the same, so I'm probably wrong! Not the first time!!!

-- Anonymous, November 20, 2001

Someone mentioined (I think it was Don) that farmanimals handle was already taken by a steady poster and this "new" person should change his name. So I'm thinking that it is someone new that is getting a little out of hand.

-- Anonymous, November 21, 2001

animalfarms was the name, I think.

-- Anonymous, November 21, 2001

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