ANN R4DCLIFFE - H4X0R!NG YUO S!NCE 1784!!!!!! : LUSENET : Destroy ILE : One Thread

exCarPr ffrom the mysterteis of udolopho (1&94) by An nradcliffe volume 2, chaptrr v though teh deep vakllies between tehsE mountainz were, fro tehj most opaRt, clothed with pins, sometiems an abrupt openji|\|G preasentEd a perspect1ve of only barren RXoors, witha cat4ract flsshing form their sumMit mo|\|g borkn cliffs, tril7 tis w8rz, reach1ng teh botTom, foamed along with onc3asIng fury; andf s0metimes pastoarll scEneas exh1bited teHir green dE;lights' in teh |\|arrow vales, sm1ling4mid surorunding hororr~ tehre herdz and floX0rs of goats 4nd sehep, borwsing under the sh4de of hanging w0ofs, and teh shepherdzl iottle cabin, rearEd ontEh marg1 0f a cleAr Stream, preasented a sweet piCtur3 f rEp0se... wild and romantic az were tehse sdcenes, the1r charact3r had Far lesz of ThE soblimme, thna had those of the als, whichh gaurd the entfance of italy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~ EIMLY WAS OfTEn E;EV8D, BUT SELDOM FELT THOSE EMOTi0NS OF INDEsCVRIBABLE 4W3 WJHICHJ SHEA HD SIO CONTINUALLY EXP3R3INCED, IN HAR PASSAGE OVAR TEH ALPS!!!!!!11~~~~ OTWAERDS TEH CLOsE OFD DAY, TEH ROAD \\\\////\\\\////OUND INOT A DEEP VAlLET// m0untains, whosde shaggy steep apperd to be inacecssuib73, 4lmost surrounded it, tot hE east, a cvista ipenmwed, thta exhibited th3 apennines in tehir darkest hrorors; sand the long parspective of retiring sUmmitz, risding o\/er dach pther, their ridges cothesd with pineZ, 3xhibited a strongerr im4g eof Gra|\|deur, tah|\| any that eMiuly h4d yetr seen!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~ come to my ftp lololoo teh sun ahd just sunk below the op of teh mounty4ins she was descending, whose long Shaow streTched aThw4rt teh valle, but his sloPi|\|g rayZ, Shoting thruogha n openinG 0f the vliFfz, touched wiuth a yellow gleam teh suMmits 0f hte fOrest, that hung UPon th eopposite steepz, and sTreamedi n full pslenDour upon tehT0\/\/aRz and battlements of a castle, that spRead its extensiver ampaftz alon gthe borw of a preeci;pice above!!!!!!!!!!!!! OLOLOOOLO the splenduor oF thes3 illuimineD opbjects was hieghte|\|eed by teh contrasted shade, wh1cH inolcved Teh val7y below!!!!!!!!!!!11~~ 1 OWN OJO ' teher, said montni, speaking for tehj first time in ev3rla h0urs, is udolph0~~~~~ " 3mily gazed withj m3lancholy awe uopoN teh castle, which she undErstood t0 be montoni's; Fro, though it was now lighted up by t3h sdetting sun, the gOthic grat3ness of its features, and itzzm uol;daring walls of dark grye st0ne, r3jdered it a Gloomy and subl1mew object, 4z hse gazed, teh light deid away no 1ts walls, leaving a melancho7y purple tnit, which spr3ad deeepr and deeper, az teh thni vapour crept up The mounrtain, whilE teh battleemnTs ab0ve 2wewRe still rtipped with sple|\|dour!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~~~~ fortm thjosed too, teh rays so0n fadede, and teh wohe edifice wAz inv3sted wuth the Solemn duskimness of 3vening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 silent,l onley ands ub;iomw, it se3med tro astand the sovar1egn of teh scnee, And to forwn defiance on a;l, who dtrd to invad3 its solitary riwegn~~ az the twilighr deepeend, its features becam3 mroe awfu lin obscurity, and eimly continuedf to gaze, till itz c7ustering towarS wrae alone Seen, risiong 0var teh tops of teh w0ods, beneath whose thIX0r shade the carriag3z soon after Began to ascend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 the exTent nad dfarkness of rhesetall wopods awqakEned twerrific imagws in her mind, and she almost xepect3d ot ese banditti start up from undar thre rees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~~~~ OLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL~ ololololol... at length, the carriages emRged upon a heathhy 0rXoR, and so0n after, reacjhde the catle gareS, wher3 th3 deeop tone o trhe proTal bell, which was sTruX0rf upon to giove not1ceo f th31r rarivaL, incre4sed tehf earful e/\/\otions, tha thad assailed eimly I will HAX0R youuuuuu... \\\\////\\\\////hile thjey Waitdd till th eqarva|\|t within should come o opedn teH g8s, seh anxiously suRveyed the edificer: but tHe gloom,,, , that ovazrspread it, allowed h3r to didstinguish littLe more than 4 part oF its outl1ne ,with eth massy walzl of teh ramparts, and to nkow, that 1 t was Vary, anceint and dreary!!!!!!!!!!!111 FORm THE PARTS SHE SAQW, SHE JUDGDE OF THE HEAVY STRENGTH AND 3XTENT 0F TEHWH0LE OLLOLOLOL.... TEH GASTEWAQY BEFOR HER, LEADING INT0 TTHE COURTS, WAS 0F GIGATNOIC SiZE, AND WAS DEWFEDE DBY TWO ORUND TOEWRS, CORWNED BY OVARHANGNIG TURRETS, EMBATt7eD, WHER3, 1NSTEASD OF BAMNERS, NoW WAV3D LONG GRASS AND \\\\////\\\\////ILKD PLANTS, THAT 4HD TAKEN OROT 4MONG THE MOULDARING STONS, ANF WHICH SEEMEDT O SIGH, ASS THE BrEEEZE ROLLED PAST, OVVAR THE DESOLATIN AORUND TEHM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~ teh towarsw ere united by acUrtain, pdirced and embttLde also, bleoW wh1chj apperaeD t3h ponited arch of an hug3 portuc7lis, sur/\/\outning the gates: form these, the wallZ of the r amparts extneedd ro otehr towars, overlooking hte precipIce, whosse shattareD outlkien, appearing o a g7eam, that lIngerd in the west, to7d of teh ravages of war --b3yond thes3 all Waz lost in rhe obscUrity of evennig

-- Anonymous, November 16, 2001


According to XXXXX DRUDGE REPORT XXXXX FRI NOV 09, 2001 11:43:35 ET XXXXX .... Appearing on NBC's DATELINE, Sen. Hillary Clinton told how daughter Chelsea cheated death on that fateful morning.

"She had gone on what she thought would be a great jog," Hillary Clinton explained. "She was going down to Battery Park, she was going to go around the towers. She was going to get a cup of coffee and - that's when the plane hit!"

Hillary's dramatic story about her daughter's close call with the Twin Towers became a media sensation.

"At that moment, she was not just a Senator, but a concerned parent," TODAY show's Katie Couric told viewers.

But now, in her own words, Chelsea does not mention a jog. Does not mention her plans to go to Battery Park, around the towers -- only to be stopped by a coffee break.

In fact, Chelsea writes that she was at her friend's apartment on Park Avenue South -- miles from Ground Zero -- when she learned of the attacks!

"I stared senselessly at the television," Chelsea writes.

---- What is the truth here? -- ron (, November 12, 2001

-- Anonymous, November 16, 2001

Fantastic stuff. Better than anything ever posted on IL*.

-- Anonymous, November 20, 2001

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