the vcd to a dvd : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

hello everybody i just want to know if u guys can answer this question for i want to know if it possible to record dvd movie on to the vcd to play on my dreamcast?? and it the qulity of the vcd real good?? where can i buy a vcd movies ?? i`m trying learn more bout this vcd cause i just find this out from a friend of my who play the fast and the furious on his dreamcast i didn`t get chance to find out how he did it,but hopefuullllyy u guys can help me out here.thanx if u provide the help

-- lala (, November 13, 2001



-- JOSHUA (, November 15, 2001.

If you want to find out how to make VCD's from a DVD, email me and I will send you a CD that will include all you need to do it.

And then you can sell the ones you make on my website:


The Boss

-- The Boss (, November 17, 2001.

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