Software to extract DVD movie clips : LUSENET : Burning Man : One Thread

I am desperately trying to find some type of software that will take a DVD movie clip from a DVD so I can put it into a powerpoint presentation (ultimately) or to extract it some other way so I can present it on a projector besides just using a DVD clip.

-- Douglas Patrick (, November 12, 2001


For the most part, it is easy to use TechSmith's Camtasia Studio to capture video. The problem you may run into is with your video acceleration...Manually turn it off before you try to capture the video and then it should work. (

-- Jase (, January 16, 2005.

This might work

-- Jim H (, December 16, 2004.

what the!

-- Jason Alexander (, November 01, 2004.

You can use a program called mpeg2decX which can be found on to convert VOB files to quicktime. It lets you specify the aspect ratio, and compression settings for quicktime.

-- Nitescan (, September 19, 2004.

I am trying to create a dvd REEL of my work, but all my source material is on DVD. DVDXDV is awful, I can't get rid of the interlacing artifacts, even in uncompressed mode. There must be something better than that miserable program.

-- Chris Tempas (, August 12, 2004.

you kno wwhat? power producer from will do it.

-- max (, May 27, 2004.

If you're using a mac, you can use DVDxDV which can be downloaded from their website

The consumer version costs $25, the pro version $80.

-- Hugh Harrison (, May 12, 2004.

I'm looking for something like this as well to use as part of our church services. I'm working on a SONY Vaio and even have Pinnacle's Studio software, but can't get it to work.

-- Jenni Hypes (, February 24, 2004.

I have found some software that can convert dvd to avi format but I am still trying to work out the bugs: see

-- marcjsardy (, September 23, 2003.

I am looking for the same thing. It must be out there!

-- Ross (, March 16, 2003.

If you are simply looking for a working solution? Here is one… I use “SnagIt” to take screen shots, it can also capture video running on your screen, it comes with “DubIt” that can record your audio, simply insert the captured video/audio as object into your PPT.

Not the best/most professional way to do it but you have a solution.


-- Neil Bhandar (, September 29, 2002.

Unfortunately I have not found an answer yet...

-- Douglas Patrick (, April 04, 2002.

I was just wondering if you ever found any software to perform the actions with extracting clips onto powerpoint, i have been looking for along time for some way to do this but no luck!

your response would be great justin

-- justin leick (, April 02, 2002.

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