Super Angulon 28mm PC with Apo-Extender 2X : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

In Leica Fotografie 8/2001 there is an interesting paper about the Super Angulon 28mm PC used with the Apo-Extender 2X.

A 56mm PC.

-- Lucien (, November 12, 2001


Not a bad idea. I have some misgivings about 28mm PC lenses, because of the odd appearance they can impart to a building: e.g.,an upper corner seeming to loom out at an exaggerated angle. It's more obvious with 24mm; still there with 28mm; and not in evidence with 35mm. Personally I use the 35mm PC-Nikkor. I guess a normal length- plus PC could have its uses, provided that one can get far enough away from the subject to get enough of it in. And if not, you can use it at 28mm.

-- Bob Fleischman (, November 12, 2001.

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