Puppy milk replacer

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This is Terry from Sullivan, Mo. Does anyone have a puppy milk replacer recipe that is good. I have used esbilac and Vetalac but they are so expensive. I sometimes have to supplement my pups because of a dams nipples being too large for tiny puppies to nurse. I know goats milk is good but I do not have any freshened or milking.

-- Terry Lipe (elipe@fidnet.com), November 11, 2001


Try Sheep or goat Milk Replacer. Do not use cow's milk, as I think it has something to do with lactose. Maybe you can buy some goat's milk at a supermarket?

-- Chandler (ProvidenceFarms2001@yahoo.com), November 11, 2001.

One of the supply catalogs posted a recipe maybe jeffers or dr.smith's .I cannot remember .You might want to do as search .

-- Patty {NY State} (fodfarms@slic.com), November 11, 2001.

10 oz. evaporated milk (whole fat or part skim -- do not use all skim) or goat's milk 3 oz. sterilized water (baby water or boiled water) -- delete if using goat's milk 1 egg yolk (raw) 2T regular mayonnaise (optional) 1 cup whole fat yogurt (whole fat or part skim -- avoid all skim)

Place all ingredients in a blender and mix (or use a wire whisk) till well blended. Use all formula within 7 days.

Warm formula to puppy body temperature before feeding. Always discard formula leftover at a feeding. This formula is thick and so is best administered by stomach tube. If using a bottle, you may need to enlarge the hole slightly. It provides 11 calories per cc.

Weak Puppy Booster

This formula is meant to be used on newborns who are chilled, weak or otherwise compromised. This formula should be administered every 1-2 hours (or more often) by stomach tube and the puppy should be warmed slowly. Once the puppy begins to maintain a normal body temperature, regular feeding can resume. NEVER FEED A CHILLED PUPPY MILK REPLACER.

8oz. lactated ringers solution or sterilized water 1 tablespoon white Karo syrup or white sugar (do not use honey) OR Substitute plain, unflavored Pedialyte

Mix ingredients and warm to body temperature. Preferred administration is stomach tube (to ensure correct dosage). Feed 1/2 cc per 2 oz. of body weight once per hour. If puppy is very weak, you may half the dosage and feed twice as often. This formula should be followed up with milk replacer as soon as the puppy is maintaining normal body temperature. This formula should not be fed exclusively for more than 8 hours.

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-- Patty {NY State} (fodfarms@slic.com), November 11, 2001.

1 cup of whole milk

-1 tablespoon of vegetable oil

-1 pinch of salt

-3 egg yolks

-Blend the mixture well.

For very young puppies, warm the milk replacer to 95-100 F before feeding it, and test the temperature on the underside of your wrist as you would a baby's bottle. In older puppies, the milk replacer can be fed at room temperature.

-- Patty {NY State} (fodfarms@slic.com), November 11, 2001.

I got both of the above from a fast web search , I am sure there are more .I am also sure you already now this but it is very important for the puppies to nurse from mom .They need the colustreum {damn spelling} Also mom's milk supply is not going to increase if the pups dont nurse.I have never had a problem with nipples to big .What breed of dog , how many litters and how far apart ? Hope this helps a little.

-- Patty {NY State} (fodfarms@slic.com), November 11, 2001.

Terry, my father-in-law is a veterinarian, and several years ago when I purchased a three week old puppy, gave me the following recipe. I have used it with several puppies with great success. He did also tell me to NOT give regular cows milk to puppies, I guess it gives them diarrhea. Use one can evaporated milk, half that can of sterilized water, two egg yolks, and a dropper of liquid baby vitamins. I found the baby vitamins at my local drug store; they are the only expensive part of the recipe, and since that bottle lasted for several puppies, still way cheaper than Esbilac etc. Good Luck with your pups!

-- Trina in WA (ender@starband.net), November 12, 2001.

Trina why on earth would you purchase a three week old pup ? Nothing mean ment by it but why ?

-- Patty {NY State} (fodfarms@slic.com), November 12, 2001.

We always used goat's milk to supplement when it was needed. The pups did very well on it. Don't give them cow's milk.

-- Colleen (pyramidgreatdanes@erols.com), November 13, 2001.

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