Dazzle..... Should I Stay Or Should I Go?!?!?!?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Newbie Alert! I just bought Dazzle DVC USB version. My intent was to create a slideshow and export it to a video to be played at a wedding recetion. Initially, I created one in Kia's PowerSHOW but am not able to export/import it(.SAS extention, can't find a converter)so with dazzle I was able to create a less than Dazzling show and the output to my VCR was terrible. I just tried Uleads Picture show to create a VCD good quality on my JVC DVD but there are no transitions! The wedding is in less than a month so could someone tell me what to use for a good slide show and what to use for a good VCD creator and finally should I send back the Dazzle? I am at my wits end....Thanks in advance.
-- J MIller (3dmdlr@bright.net), November 09, 2001
I Can't Tell U What 2 Use for a Good Slide Show but I Can Tell U to return back the Dazzle. Except for WebCam purposes and others of the same ilk Avoid any USB Capture Device. But if you intend to Blow Up the video output (as in projecting), standard VCD resolution doesn't look good. The best, then, is a stills only ver 2.0 VCD, efficiently done with Nero, but no fancy transitions and no sound, but each "slide" (or ultimately, itemxxxx.dat) is high-res (704x480 or 576).
-- Mehmet Tekdemir (turk690@yahoo.com), November 09, 2001.
Yes, if you want a resolution higher than the normal VCD-resolution you should use Nero-5 or higher version. Nero has a special section for producing slideshows from .jpg files. Of course, the source files have to have a sufficiently high resolution to start with. When the resolution is higher than the SVCD-resolution it will convert it to either 704x480 or 576x480. It will also generate a .htm show which can be shown on a PC-monitor. You can add comments to the show by using e.g. PowerPoint. I have made many shows this way. The duration of presentation of each slide can be individually set.Friendly greetings, E. R. Kooi.
-- E.R.Kooi (E.R.Kooi@XS4all.NL), November 13, 2001.
A correction: the resolution of slides when using Nero-5.x in VCD- mode is either 704x576 (PAL) or 704x480 (NTSC). Fr. greetings,
-- E.R.Kooi (E.R.Kooi@XS4all.NL), November 13, 2001.
Try "flyvcd". This will give you the transitions you need but it has no menu structure as far as i know. Bare in mind that Ulead Picture Show has the best quality.
-- Robert van der Woude (r.vanderwoude5@chello.nl), November 21, 2001.