How to Synchronize : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
After capturing movie and converted to VCD, i noticed that the audio is not synchronized with the video, how can i fix this? is there any procedure that i have missed? or i don't know about? Well,just to summary of what i did, capturing video from a composite capturing device as AVI. converted to Mpeg1 using Video Factory then burn as VCD using Nero 5.5.5 pls help!
-- Chris (, November 08, 2001
I think that in "The Guides" section has something about fixing a/v sync problems with VCD. If it's not there it's at, but I think it's at doom9. It's pretty ugly. One thing you might try is to get TMPGenc ( and demux your video into separate video and audio streams and then remux them using a VCD template into a single file. Sometimes a simple demux/remux operation fixes a/v sync problems, but if that doesn't work for you, you'll need to follow the guide. The commercial MPEG video editor MPEG2VCR ( has a tool under the muxer that allows you to move the audio forwards or backwards by fractions of a second during muxing and this can fix almost all sync problems I've come across. The full blown MPEG-1/2 editor is $249 US, but I think you can get a MPEG-1 only version for about $50.
-- Jason (, November 09, 2001.
Seen this myself...Trying to remember how I fixed it now.
Okay, you need to capture the video using MPEG format, preferably it will have a VCD format setting on your TV Capture Card (Mine does, or it did until I started using WinXP (thats another story)). Make sure that your audio is being copied at 48,000MHz this will keep it in sync.
Now, this is the arse bit, when you play this back it sounds fine right? Right... But when you burn it, it screws it up. Okay, don't do any converting with any other software other than the one you use to burn with (in your case Nero). It will change the file to a *.DAT, but won't do anything else to it (which is what we want).
This should work. I use it all the time when I'm copying peoples porn collections.
Hope this helps, if not... sorry for wasting your time.
The Boss
-- The Boss (, November 09, 2001.