Let's Get Physical

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Do you work out? What do you do?

Do you love to exercise or is it the bane of your existence?

Do you do it for health, to lose weight or to maintain?

-- Anonymous, November 06, 2001


I work out, and have regularly for about ten years now. I think the longest break I ever took was three months, and I didn't enjoy it. I always take a break when I am sick, sometimes as long as three weeks. But other than that, I exercise from 3 to 5 days a week, an hour each time.

I am a Billy Blanks devotee -- yes, I do Tae Bo. I started out doing aerobics, then went to step aerobics. I had one of those back-and- forth slider thingies that were all the rage (KILLER for the thighs). I used the NordicTrack religiously for a couple of years, then moved on to Tae Bo. Currently I am doing Advanced Tae Bo and three miles on the NordicTrack on alternating days.

Do I love to exercise? Um, yeah, right. I work out a lot but I'm not one of those fanatics who just LOVES it and runs around in a thong leotard. I cuss at Billy as much as the next person. But basically I like the results too much to NOT do it. I don't like how bloated and weak my body feels when it hasn't been worked in awhile. And like a lot of people with body issues, I think how my body looks is closely tied to how I feel about myself. It definitely helps my mood and my self confidence.

I don't exercise to lose weight, but I most definitely do it to maintain my body, to be stronger. And for my mental and physical health, too.

-- Anonymous, November 06, 2001

Well, I used to be a faithful gym rat. Kickboxing every night and then a bit of weights. But then my ex and I got back together and seeing other exes at the gym just wasn't worth the hassle.


I like the TaeBo tapes, but my VCR is broken.

As you can see, it doesn't take much for me to lose my motivation. I'd like to be in better shape. I don't like how my stomach feels and since my arms are so slim, muscles would probably appear without too much effort at all, but I am so unmotivated.


-- Anonymous, November 06, 2001

Exercise? I do not understand your strange language.

-- Anonymous, November 06, 2001

HaHa! I like that, AB!

-- Anonymous, November 06, 2001

Marathon-watching inspired me to go to the gym on Sunday. I like my gym -- or, rather, my gym chain, since my particular gym is not all that impressive -- but I don't go often enough.

Which, as anyone who knew me prior to this year would tell you, is absolutely amazing.

I basically run around and do a variety of exercises. Mainly to maintain my current weight, but also to have more energy during the day and attain something akin to muscle definition.

-- Anonymous, November 06, 2001

Can't AB like, do flips in the air and stuff? No matter how much Billy implores me to "Focus! Visualize!" I can't pull those kinds of shenanigans.

Is she just naturally gymnastic?

-- Anonymous, November 06, 2001

I started Tae Kwon Do (martial arts for those of you not into Korean self defense) about a year and a half ago. Mainly to lose weight and get back in shape.

It's really clicked with me and I'm aiming for a black belt in another year. (Yay!) I love doing this.

I haven't lost as much weight as I thought I would, but that's mainly due to diet, baby, diet. And age, I suspect. But let's not go there.

-- Anonymous, November 06, 2001

AB can do flips in the air because she weighs the same amount as a balloon full of helium, and is not afraid of anything at all

-- Anonymous, November 06, 2001

I want to marry the elliptical. I do four miles on it for cardio.

I've been trying to get back into doing some weight training, too. Only once or twice a week, but I suppose that's better than nothing.

-- Anonymous, November 06, 2001

Yall, I couldn't even continue walking the track 3 times a week.

I absolutely hate exercise. I don't buy the whole "endorphins" lie. Those boogers are more elusive than a G-spot orgasm. I hate every exercising second and then I leave dreading the next time.

Is there some secret I don't know about? Other than drugs, I mean.

-- Anonymous, November 06, 2001

I'm not sure what the secret is, Robyn.

I have a love/hate relationship with exercise. When I see results, I love it. I think that's the key. The first month is the hardest, but once you're in the swing it's easy to go to the gym. But when you fall out of habit, woe. You'll never go again.

I started a 9 week training program through my gym and last week was just testing and getting measured/weighed etc. But this week has been awesome so far. I'm sore as all get out, but it's a good sore and I know that it's making a difference.

I used to be fit. I was never Fitness Girl or anything, but now I'm just a big fatass and I hate it. THAT is my motivation.

-- Anonymous, November 07, 2001

Hannah Beth, SHUT YOUR MOUTH! You are a gorgeous woman!

And you're right, it's so easy to quit exercising when you're just starting out and you're all sweaty and tired and disgruntled and you're not seeing any difference whatsoever. I think the first month IS the hardest -- you just have to force yourself to do it, and tell yourself you WILL see and feel a difference. Once you get over that hump and workouts are not so painful for you, it does get easier to get up and go.

And for awhile I played that dirty game, thinking I could eat all the cakes and cookies and candy I wanted without gaining an ounce because I work out. Au contraire, kittens. My shit crept up and I was all like, "Who shrunk my pants???" So I cut out ALL processed sugar and most fried foods, and almost immediately dropped ten pounds, without altering my workout at all.

I don't live like that now, sans joy, but it surely worked.

-- Anonymous, November 07, 2001

When I was an L of L, I was doing 45 minutes of cardio and a little weight training (mainly my biceps and triceps) five times a week. I dropped 15 pounds. Lately, I've been travelling a lot, and I haven't been to the gym more than five times the past month. So sad.

I keep to about 1500-1700 calories a day, so I haven't gained any of the weight back, but I want to lose 12 more pounds in the next few months. Which is definifely attainable.

I absolutely love the way I feel when I exercise regularly.

-- Anonymous, November 07, 2001

Here's a question: Do you guys work out at home? And if you do, do you do it when the Partner is at home?

-- Anonymous, November 07, 2001

Ok, as I write this, I am eating caramels. Sad, but true. Anyhow, I workout daily before work (SO tired today!) and have also been a spinning instructor for about a year and a half now...so its safe to say i am somewhat of a fanatic.

I went to an extremely body conscious college (the amorexic capital of the world) and am sorry to say that my gym is not that much better. (We have at least a dozen women training for bodybuilding contests...yikes!)Now if that doesn't cause you to scrutinize your own body, I don't know what will!

I'm not trying to turn this into a "screw what your body looks like, as long as you're emotionally happy" post, largely because i think happiness is tied to our physical well-being. What I am saying is, do a workout that makes you happy! There's alot to be said about doing what you love...if you do, you'll probably be more motivated, emotionally content, and will still achieve your fitness goals.

Oh, one more thing...REST! I was a crazy-working-out-7-days-a-week girl, then I discovered the benefits of one (or even two! gasp!) rest days a week. Not only will you be more motivated to hit it the next day, your muscles will have time to recover (so you can whip em into shape again!)

-- Anonymous, November 07, 2001

Ah, Aidan, thanks. I wasn't saying that to be self-deprecating, but I can see how it sounded that way.

Robyn - We have a gym at the office and it's fantastic. At first it was a little weird to be working out with people I work with, but since most of them belonged to the gym I used downtown, it wasn't ALL that much different.

I absolutely can't work out at home. I do it for about five minutes, feel stupid and quit. This is why I could never get into Tae-Bo. I need the structure that a gym provides. (And the variety. I am QUEEN of getting bored. I'm glad TPTB recommend intervels (like 10 bike, 10 elliptical etc.) because that's about all I can handle without sheer boredom.)

I LOVE spinning but the gym I'd go to for that is on the other side of town, so I haven't been for awhile. It's true though, if you find a workout you like, and one that fits your body and personality, you'll stick to it.

-- Anonymous, November 07, 2001

I am completely the opposite -- I have always worked out at home. For one thing, I have a time crunch with a longish commute and cooking dinner most nights and also loving the TV a little too much. Adhering to a gym's schedule is not for me. Also -- you guys are embarrassed to work out ALONE?? I can't imagine dancing around in a room full of strangers! All those PEOPLE?!? I am too self-conscious (and easily annoyed) for that.

I don't really have a boredom problem, but again I think that's thanks to Tae Bo. I own a dozen of the tapes and rotate them all the time. Is Billy a marketing genius or what? My NordicTrack has a book rest and I get lots of reading done while exercising, so boredom's never a problem with that. I have also been known to watch TV while on the 'Track too.

Yes, Robyn, I work out when my husband is at home. And yeah he ribs me, but I don't care. I have seen this man's orgasm face, and he's trying to make fun of ME??? I even work out when he has people over; I shut the door but I know I sound like a herd of elephants stampeding. Oh well, they'll get over it.

-- Anonymous, November 07, 2001

I used to work out at home, in front of the SO. He got used to it. (At first he royally pissed me off because he treated it as a sexual thing.) My problem with working out at home is motivation - it's too easy to do something else, like eat and watch TV.

I never really liked the gym. There's a lot of 24 Hour Fitness places around here and they leave a lot to be desired. And I'm like Hannah, I get bored easily. Weights? Snore. On the other hand, I always got intimidated by the aerobics classes. (I don't have any problem with Tae Kwon Do classes. I guess I feel more comfortable. Go figure.)

I've developed friendships with the people in Tae Kwon Do and it helps me stay motivated. It's also very structured and I need that. I'm also on the demonstration team and I don't want to miss practice and look like a doofus during performances. I just missed two practices (felt poorly) and we have a performance coming up in less than two weeks. What's worse, it's at black belt testing, in front of the whole studio, so they'll KNOW if I screw up. D'oh!

Sticking to it is going to be a problem over the long run. It's quite high impact and high exertion, and just isn't going to be possible to do well past a certain point. That'll be for later.

Have you tried to get your SO to work out? I gave up on mine a long time ago.

-- Anonymous, November 07, 2001

I have asked the Partner repeatedly to do some exercise with me, and he refuses. That booger eats pie with every meal, but he walks around on campus all day and has the body of David. There's a fair amount of hate buried in my love.

Been considering joining a gym, but there is no gym near me, and the gyms in town are consistently packed solid with students. Like hour long waits to get into the weight room. More hate.

I think it's just going to be Billy and me in the living room again.

-- Anonymous, November 07, 2001

Don't fight it, Robyn. Billy wants you to give him some!

A guy I dated in high school (who I am pretty sure is gay) is on two of my Tae Bo tapes. Working out behind Billy. You guys should have seen the water bottle spit take I did.

-- Anonymous, November 07, 2001

Robyn, is there a gym on campus? That's were I work out.

Basically, every day when I waver on the gym, I remember certain pictures of me last year. And tell myself I can go to the gym, or look like that. The choice is easier that way.

-- Anonymous, November 07, 2001

I try to lift weights, full-body, twice a week.

I also kickbox, which has become much easier since I installed a punching bag and speed bag in my garage. Insomnia? Hell, just go punch for a while!

Unfortunately, I have recently met a nice guy with a motorcycle, so I've been spending more nights on the bitch seat than punching away in the garage, which, while fun and exciting and causing me to buy stock in hair conditioner, does nothing for my weight loss goals. Must do something about that so I don't gain the 20 pounds I lost after the divorce back, and once again become the Fatty McFatAss I was 3 months ago.

Sigh. Metabolism? I miss you. Come back soon.

-- Anonymous, November 07, 2001

Dawn, the post-divorce weight loss is a brief moment in time where your body tries to help you rebuild some self esteem. As soon as you start feeling all proud of looking great and being on your own, the pounds start creeping back. It is the most insidious weight of all. Don't let it break your heart.

-- Anonymous, November 07, 2001

Well, actually, it was at the moment when I started feeling good about myself and such that the weight started to slide off. So I'm not really worried about it coming back.

That, and the fact that now that I'm divorced I don't feel the need to drink 6-8 beers a night, every night, which has helped oodles.

Basically, I'm just going back to the way I was before the marriage, when I actually took care of myself. 15 pounds to go until I'm back at my "fighting weight". Go, me.

-- Anonymous, November 08, 2001

Go Dawn!

Hannah, there are multiple gyms on campus, but they are packed to the hilt. It's one thing to spend an hour and a half working out, but it's a whole nother thing to spend an hour and a half waiting to do your hour and a half workout. I haven't been able to find an "off time".

I found the motivator today, yall. It is anger. I'm ready to go train with Billy, and then go kick some skank ass.

-- Anonymous, November 08, 2001

It's true. Campus gyms rarely have off peak hours. They're crowded all day long.

-- Anonymous, November 08, 2001

MelissaH -- my husband used to work an extremely physically demanding warehouse job that he hated. He was in great shape, but he learned to equate exercise with fear and loathing. So naturally since he quit working there and became self-employed, he's avoided any unnecessary physical movement like it was the plague. Yes, his physique has suffered, but it doesn't bother me. I only got pissed when he bought a $1,000 bike he never rides.

-- Anonymous, November 08, 2001

Aidan, I can fully understand why your husband wouldn't want to exercise. Mine has no excuse. He's a desk jockey. He smokes, doesn't eat well - my lowfat dinners aren't offsetting the breakfast burritos off the "catering" truck. I'm concerned about his health, but no amount of nagging's going to get him off his rear.

He bugged me for a while to buy a treadmill. I already had the rowing machine and there's no way he would have used the treadmill. If he was already Mr. Active, I would have gone with it. And hey, we have nice weather here year round, if he really wants to walk or run, he could go outside.

Speaking of which, I should start running to improve my cardiovascular fitness for Tae Kwon Do, but CANNOT get motivated. And I like running.

-- Anonymous, November 08, 2001

That's so odd. The gym at USC is usually never busy, except between 4 and 6. Especially considering that most of the girls I see on campus clearly work out a lot. They probably are all too good for the campus gym.

-- Anonymous, November 08, 2001

i don't mind working out, but i love the results.

i was always a really skinny guy (5'11, 140 lbs when i graduated hs), so it's a huge esteem thing with me now that i have some muscle.

i use weights 4 days a week, hitting each muscle group twice.

because i eat so much food in an effort to gain muscle, i do a lot of cardio (5 or 6 days a week, depending on how bad i ate) to keep the fat off. mostly i run at a 6% incline on the treadmill or ride the stationary bike with a high resistance level.

higher resistance + slower speed = more calories burned than faster speed + no resistance.

-- Anonymous, November 08, 2001

So I've been doing the weight-lifting program for 5 weeks now. Last week we only met 2x because of Thanksgiving and the week before I only went once because I was out of town, but I am starting to see results.

I haven't lost any weight (and maybe I won't??) but I do feel a LOT stronger. In fact I've had to increase my weight on several exercises because my orginal weight was just too light. So that makes me feel good. And I just feel better and I haven't been eating as much crap. Not even because I'm trying, but mostly because I don't crave it or want it as much.

We have four more weeks to go, so I'm hoping that even if the scale doesn't go down, my fat % will. Or I PRAY anyway.

-- Anonymous, November 29, 2001

Hannah Beth! I am so proud of you!

I have finally started to get back into my workout routine after two months of next to nothing (unless walking from Concourse E to the baggage claim at Hartsfield counts). Inexplicably, I haven't gained back any of the weight I lost.

So, it's back to 40 minutes of cardio (usually running 1 mile, walking 2 miles on the treadmill with 1.5% incline) and some weights, concentrating on my arms as my wedding dress is strapless and I have total hog trough arms.

-- Anonymous, November 29, 2001

I'm back to my 40 minutes of cardio, 4 times a week routine, and I've been sticking to it. Next year I'm adding weight training, too.

I have kept off the 20 pounds I lost since last January, though, and hopefully with my recommitment to WW I'll lose some more.

Go us!

-- Anonymous, November 29, 2001

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